Se04Ep06 - The Tomb Report in Sanguera | World Anvil

Se04Ep06 - The Tomb

General Summary

The party cautiously continues into the The Tomb of Horrors 



What makes you apprehensive or fear “the end?”

  Lostin rarely worries about the future, let alone his "end." Even the run-in with the white dragon, which scared the bageebas out of him) bolster's his unhealthy attitude of invincibility. Nope, the "end" ain't coming soon for old Lostin, he's got at least 4 to 5 lives left!
Miles fears death because he dosent know what is on the other side. He doesent know what his gods heaven looks like nor has he asked.
Seom gets nervous when he contemplates the end of his current planer existence, because he's unsure of what awaits him. It's not that he's religious or against the concept of "reincarnation". He's more afraid of the idea that there is nothing awaiting him at all, be it good, evil, a place of unearthly beauty to lounge, or a burning, stinking repugnant hole to wallow, nor some neutral realm between them. He tries to imagine nothingness and his mind quakes. Even a vast, black emptiness is SOMETHING... And, he's becoming increasingly convinced of this coming nothingness, especially when being preached at by his fellow travelers. It makes him shutter in the night.
Sambra doesn't necessarily fear the "end" but, like a child, doesn't want to miss what the future holds. He is curious and is in love with knowledge and learning new things. He can only hope that the afterworld is a library of unimaginable size where he can learn and study with the best professors that have ever lived.
What makes Rodger apprehensive or fearful of "the end" is the fact that he's spent so long avoiding it- and so long pissing off infernal denizens, that the angel of death and the fiends beyond the veil will have it in for him; relegating him to an eternity of suffering specially tailored to be the worst thing he could imagine.
But worst of all, there is the fear that it will come too soon. That the journey will have meant nothing or have been too short. That his daughter would grow old in the bowels of the abyss and he'll have missed her growing up.
But given how he began raising his family, his greatest apprehension stems from the fact that maybe...that's already what happened. And his punishment is already here.



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Report Date
31 Mar 2021


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