Game Pitches 10/2021 in Sanguera | World Anvil

Game Pitches 10/2021


All things will vary (be fine tuned) towards player engagement; if something sounds good, but not enough of one of the three we can make it work.
I'm going for a forever game where you make goals for your characters and we work towards those goals. Initially this will be to get out of debt. The world(s) will have factions you will deal with and will change depending on what the party does. The story will emerge from player decisions and interactions with the world. No overarching narrative, just a sandbox with a bunch of toys you can push around to see what happens. Exploration is a theme running through each of these.
System: (Electric Bastionland or Into the Odd) Simple system heavily influenced by D&D, completly random characters. Quick combat, fast characters, and freedom of player choice. System mastery is less important than player skill (how. you approach the me).
Possible runner up choices are Neo Geek Revival and Chromatic Dungeons.   Travel: The distance from your home or base of operations. the higher the travel, the more opportunities for downtime in between missions.
Quests: The amount of structure (or lack there of) in the game. The higher quest is more structure.All games will provide space for sandbox play.
Weirdness: The amount of strange (well, stranger than dragons and beholders) things present throughout the campaign.

NPC interaction vs opportunities for combat (fight, flight, or parley) will be about 50/50

Void Runners

Spelljammer, fantasy scifi, a universe where magic and ancient tech are abundant, ships fly from asteroids to planets to planes and all things are possible. All things are here. Work towards paying off that debt and getting your own ship or planet. Fight for truth and justice or flat out cash. Don't like where you are? Get out of dodge and find someplace better. Sail the astral sea looking for derelict ships, dead gods, and portals to different planes. Homebrew worlds heavily influenced by scifi and fantasy equally. Not lasers or giant ships everywhere, but tech not powered by magic will be around
  World/Plane Hopping
Travel: High
Quests: Starting Medium, but decreasing to Low
Weirdness: Medium to High
Player buy in: You will be looking for jobs. A desire to do something beyond make money will give the game longevity, but just doing jobs is a valid way to play.

Fantasy Islands

You will be exploring islands that get stranger the farther out you go from civilization. Visit ruins of ancienct decadent elves, find truely alien elves from the cold hells, and find other fairy like realms (neverland, wonderland, and more)
  Industrial era island hopping
Travel: Medium
Quests: Medium-high
Weirdness: Medium
Player buy in: Exploration will be the main focus, mapping and keeping notes are imperative, keeping track of supplies will also be important. Think East India Company, or better, East Empire Company from Morrowind/Skyrim (probably less werewolf attacks).

Mythical underground

You've been in dungeons before, caves too, but there is a spot and when you find it the chill of the dead will crawl up your spine. A darkness so dark that only primordial fire will let you see. What lurks here? Journey into a world all but cut off by the surface, meet a whole new society of deep underground dwellers. Can you establish a peaceful relationship, or will they spill forth and invad your world? Part camp, part terror.
Travel: Low
Quests: Medium-low
Weirdness: Medium-low
Player buy in: Explore an underground world and be the first to interact with the strange denziens. Dungeon delving and creating alliances, questing for patrons, and connecting pieces will be the focus here.


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