Dahish al A’amash Character in Sanguera | World Anvil

Dahish al A’amash

the Obsidian Angel

Describe an important religious leader in your world. How has their character changed the status quo?   Dahish al A’amash, the Obsidian Angel, is currently encased up to his waist in a pillar of obsidian in the norther area of Plane of the Molten Skies . An Efreeti sardar, Dahish once inhabited the Carnelian Idol of Iblis and spoke through it. He rallied a now forgotten king against Sulymon, prophet of The All-Mighty Creator by promising to aid him in battle with his army of 10,000 Elite Jann. Dahish, his army, and the unknown king fell to Sulymon's Marid army. For his declaration of war on The All-Mighty Creator, Sulymon imprisoned him in the pillar of volcanic glass where he now stands, the same pillar where the Carnelian Idol once stood.   Dahish regrets his rebellion since the day the battle was lost. Greeting any within earshot, he tells his tale to anyone who listen; the regret smothers his voice at times, yet captivates those who lend their ear. The once evil Efreeti has converted many of those who seek to gain power from the evil that pervades the City of Brass. Dahish's soul rages at his former patron and seeks retribution against Iblis. If he escapes his obsidian prison he seeks to free his army, now imprisoned in Wall of the Petrified Dead awaiting his release to lay siege to, what he believes as, Iblis'  City of Brass.

Physical Description

Body Features

Dahish has long black hair, tied at the ends with gold rings, skin black as coal, a pair of obsidian wing, pointed like a bat, and two extra arm that end in paws like a panther.

Identifying Characteristics

He has blazing red eyes and a third eye in the center of his forehead which weeps liquid fire.

Apparel & Accessories

6 brass hair rings and no shirt.
Current Location
Like smoldering hot coals
Long flowing raven, tied off at the ends by brass rings
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Jet black
Quotes & Catchphrases
The obsidian angel turns to face you, an almost beatific smile on his perfect features. He says something in a lilting dialect foreign to your ears. When he notices your lack of comprehension, he says again in the common speech of humankind:
There is no God but the All-Mighty Creator, and Sulymon was his prophet! Repent, friends, repent and atone for the error of your ways if you are not initiates of the True Faith! Fill your hearts with the greatness and glory of the All-Mighty Creator, and be welcome in my house, such as it is.
The angel laughs and then gestures humbly to the black obsidian glass pillar embracing him below the waist. He grins from ear to ear, but from what joy you know not.


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