The Bonehenge Market Building / Landmark in Sands of Saraya | World Anvil

The Bonehenge Market

The Revellers is also a placeholder name for the counter-culture. I also kinda want to change Goblins to something more unique, but it works for now.
"That must have been one big Glock."
Bones. The largest in the world, reaching over ten metres in height and arranged in concentric circles around a square stone dais. An aura of freezing air emanates from what visitors surmise used to serve as an altar, but now serves as a coolant system for the market that took over the surrounding area. The ominous Bonehenge has been repurposed as a huge, glorified tent under which travellers gather to rest from the desert heat and trade what little goods they have.

Purpose / Function

"You want in? You got'sta pay. You want get inner? You got'sta pay more."
Ever since the Goblins accidentally discovered that the paintings on the dais were in fact instructions on how to operate it, they knew they had a figurative gold mine in their hands. Passing curious types marvel at the apparent lack of water sourcing the magic, but what do the Goblins care, it makes them money, and lots of it. Being the only shelter for miles around makes sure of it.


"Those cheap little bastards think themselves kings, and just like the sorcerers, they'll get what's coming to them for messing with the powers beyond."
While goblins rule the market from the dais, human merchants and travellers that dare not take their business to Gorgoth come and go. Those who follow the Reveller's way of life are often found lounging around and overspending.


Where originally the Bonehenge was but an open air landmark in the middle of the Red Sea, nowadays every effort has been made to keep the sun out and the cool air in. Not two but three layers of leather are pinned to the higher reaching outer bones, sown together to form a whole roof. Makeshift stone scaffolding also surrounds the outer bones, to facilitate changing and swapping the leathers around to prevent unequal heat exposure.   In addition, sandstone walls were erected within the spaces between each ring of bones, providing progressively more insulation for the increasingly rich clients which can afford the premium charged for the inner rings.


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