Qadim Settlement in Sands of Saraya | World Anvil


With a grand central library, and numerous ruined and repurposed buildings strewn about the dried fountains and dead gardens, Qadim is the last bastion for sorcerers. The place where they can rest easy and not watch their backs from the common folk who want their heads, and instead fear the wrath of others like themselves.   It was not always this way. In fact, Qadim was once as strong and renowned as Alaar, however soon after the fall of the latter and the Curse of the Wrahm, it was besieged on all fronts for crimes of sorcery as a whole. The mages were slain one by one by sheer overwhelming force, and the rest were pushed back to the library. The vengeance seekers believed to have won, and after razing and defiling most of the inner city, drew their gaze to the last remaining sorcerers. The nine that hid in the library.   To say the least, it was not meant to be. As soon as the invaders breached the great doors, they began to turn to ash and dust and sand, without even a single mage in sight. Thus, they fled, leaving what they believed to be an empty ruin behind.   Those nine sorcerers were the first Nonagon, and they had not perished as the raiders hoped. They had somehow secured enough power to repel the force, and subsequently split up and followed the various factions who had slain their compatriots to exact revenge.   Once they did, they returned to Qadim, and most sorcerers who observed them followed in fear and respect. Since then, the city is Wizard-only, but it is still not safe, as is the nature of having dozens of arcane practitioners in one place. The buildings themselves have been mostly left ruined, with only some of the inner ones being refurbished enough to be liveable for the remnants of the locals.
Alternative Name(s)
Witch Town, Wizard City


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