Gorgossian Sultan Rank/Title in Sands of Saraya | World Anvil

Gorgossian Sultan

Without the iron grip of the Sultan's rule, and the delicate balance between them at each others' throats, Gorgoth would certainly have perished long ago. They also maintain a chokehold on the industry of the city, water, foods, drugs, slaves and minerals. While they are seeped in corruption, and the Valley of tears is a near-lawless land, without them there would definitely be no order.   They keep control of this order with fear, but they are also each very powerful.


Rather than an official appointment, a Sultan gains the title when they are strong enough in power and followers that the Titan's Fist stops trying to control them. In fact, the first time one bribes or otherwise thwarts their way out of consequences from the Fist, they can begin to use the title.

Notable Holders

The main four Sultans are all old, dangerous creatures that gained their power towards the establishment of the city.   The Lion. One of the few remaining half-beasts. He is the oldest Sultan in Gorgoth, and without him the canyon would be an even worse place to live, for he has somehow tamed, or at least is able to control the hive of Kreen in the walls of the valley. He is the discoverer and only real producer of Thrikk.   The Ash-Marshall, the djinn who owns the mines. He adds to his fortune the commissions that others are required to pay to work in his demesne. He relishes in abusing his underlings, and is certainly the most ruthless of the four.   The Cold Lady, is said to be a sorceress from another world who brought the Goliaths with her to serve as servants in the frozen tunnels that she made when she arrived. She monopolizes her power to be the main provider of water in the city, and a big part of the surrounding desert.   And finally, the Golden Harpy, a masked figure, the mysterious mistress of the harpies that many slavers use to lure and capture their quarry. Oddly, she is also a patron of the arts.
Nobility, Non-hereditary
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