Baleo Species in Sanctum | World Anvil
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Basic Information


Baleos have a similar physique as other horses but there are some differences: Instead of fur, a Baleos is covered completely by small brownish scales and even their tail looks more like that of a scorpion. They also have stronger muscles and denser bones than most horses, sacrificing speed for strength. Another difference is retractable crest that runs along their whole bac and slightly different hooves that enable them to run on sand.

Genetics and Reproduction

See here

Growth Rate & Stages

As a foalt, Baleos are relatively small and physically weak and cant protect themselve. They need around six months to be capable of fending for themselve and another two years to full mature. In the last few years of their life, the muscles of Baleos start to deterioate relatively quickly, often resulting in a collapse where the Baleo cant lift its own weight. At this point, other Baleos often kill the old one to end its suffering.

Ecology and Habitats

Baleos prefer a warm climate, ideally a desert where their coloration serves as a natural camouflage and they can show off their extraodinary movement on sand. There they live in groups of 20 to 100 individuals that hunt smaller animals but can also protect themselve against predators.

Dietary Needs and Habits

In normal circumstances, Baleos are omnivores capable of eating anything that is not already decomposing. While they can survive from vegetation alone, its rarity in the desert makes this hard and they also need proteins to preserve there muscular strength.

Additional Information


After the foundation of Trakaris, the inhabitants where in dire need of animals for work and food. While there are plenty of animals native to the Ignis Aeterna, most of them are rather dangerous and/or elusive, making the Baleos one of the few optimal species for domestication. Using the techniques to capture wild horses in the grasslands of the Empire, Trakarians managed to capture them quite easily.
Now, nearly two hundred years later, modern Baleos have already been born in captivity for many generations, becoming accustomed to the rule of humanoids over them. Breeding experiments over the last century have even resulted in different sub-species Baleos and there are currently a few who try to breed them for speed and sport.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Baleos are mainly used for transport across the desert. When they reach the end of their lifespan, they become the main meal provider for the whole city of Trakaris. Sometimes they are also sold as exotics out of the desert but the colder climate and lack of sand shortens their lifespan considerable, making them unprofitable for a buyer outside a desert.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

See here

Scientific Name
Equus Arenosus
20 - 50 years
Average Height
1.2 - 2.5 metres
Average Weight
90 - 3200 kg
Geographic Distribution


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