Khlivye Species in Samthô | World Anvil
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Short introduction

Khlívi (sg.: khlivye) are a species of giant millipedes living in the Moiyeli Swamplands.

Appearance, distribution and ecology

They reach lengths of up to 2.5 metres. Their bodies are flat and the segments are covered with one broad plate each. They are muddy brown in colour and have short antennae above their eyes.
Khivye are herbivorous and feed on rotting wood and plant material. For protection they don't only have their thick chitin plates on their backs but can also dish out a poisonous bite. It's not deadly but highly painful. The pain takes a few days to wear off if untreated. Khivye live alone but gather together for hibernation forming clusters of up to 20 animals. They fall prey to giant salamander species, frog dragons and boar crocodiles. They are also hunted for their chitin plates which are used as building or crafting materials in some societies. Their meat is not edible due to its horrible taste.
They can neither be bonded with nor be tamed or domesticated, so societies depending on them somehow seek them out in the wild. They are a bit difficult to come by since most shun the Moiyeli Swamplands as they are highly inhospitable and have an exceptionally dangerous fauna.


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