Magical Freedom Front Organization in Sammerden | World Anvil
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Magical Freedom Front

While the Circle for the Promotion of Responsible Vika (CPRV) are the representatives of those mages (or viks) who understand the moral and religious restraints on magic - after the Breach of Heaven, the Exile, and the Reconquest, the Magical Freedom Front are an unofficial - extreme - wing of the magical population of Sammerden.
  They officially do not encourage Blutvik - magic using the power of sentient blood - but is known that some of their supporters and affiliates take much more permissive stances and, in the popular mind, they are an organisation of evil wizards intent on resurrecting the worst horrors magic can inflict. Counter to this narrative, they portray themselves as a peaceful - if impassioned - group of mages with no central organisation, but a common believe that magic is the gift of the Creator, and that its use should not be regulated by secular rulers, or by the Holy Sanctorum, but by mages themselves. Their more reasonable advocates would argue that this would be achieved by setting up Mages' Circles as the third great power, and they would work with kings and priests to control magic users. Less temperate voices do not hide their belief that viks are a superior form of life, and their desire for something approaching a full Vikocracy dominating all of Sammerden.
  The status of the group varies throughout Sammerden - but nowhere is it particularly welcomed. The Duxia of Sammerden have all taken slightly different approaches - some Duxii have criminalised even membership of the group, whereas most others prohibit only their disruptive activities (leafletting, the occasional protest or defacing of monuments). The King of the Welds has permitted this decentralised approach to enforcement, though has forbidden the Duxii to make membership alone a capital offence. The Bolmor lands have generally tolerated the groups non-violent efforts, but have reacted harshly to disruptive and magically charged protests. The Kingdom of Free Zoenaald has taken extraordinarily punitive measures against all mages - with reports of the public burning of those members of the Front who resisted. 
  Regardless of the political situation, most commoners treat the group (as far as they are aware of it) with extreme caution - assuming them to be defenders of monstrous Blutvik and the Holy Sanctorum have condemned the group as rogue mages, heretics, and rebels. As much of the population - particularly outside of the east of Sammerden - continue to distrust magic, the reaction to members of the group can often be violent, with reports of mob hangings, and town guards helping to kill those suspected of Blutvik simply due to their membership of the Front.

Public Agenda

Publicly, the Front advocates a manifesto centred around the deregulation of mages and the use of magic, and increased respect and influence for mages:  
  1. The abolition of the Concilium Vika and all other Sanctorum bodies aimed at the repression and regulation of Viks
  2. The repeal of all anti-Vik laws, and all secular restrictions on the use of magic which go beyond that imposed on non-magic people
  3. The promulgation by the King of the Welds, the Emperor of Jellnev, and all the other powers of Sammerden, of laws to protect Viks and prevent abuse
  4. The establishment of a Grand Circle of Viks - headquartered in Calthor - to work alongside the Sanctorum in the organisation and protection of magic
  5. The release of all magical prisoners of conscience
To this, some add demands for a 'mages homeland' and others (though by no means the majority) protest against the extreme treatment of mages in the Kingdom of Free Zoenaald (abuses which the CPRV have also condemned).

Vika Shall Be Free

Social, Activist
Alternative Names
The Radical Mages; The Outcasts


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