Zeribian ships Vehicle in Salan | World Anvil
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Zeribian ships

The seafaring culture of Zeribians have perfected the skill of shipbuilding on Salan. They are the only culture able to build seaworthy ships, that can be sailed on the open ocean for days without resting in a safe port.  

General properties

The exact design of the boats varies based on the island. The most important invention of the Zeribian ship-building technology is the outrigger, that stabilizes the ship significantly, making it more seaworthy without sacrifizing speed. This means that the ships can cross large distances on open ocean, and travel even through the night, unlike other known ships that usually stop to rest each night.  

Main types

Zeribians recognise two main types of ships, which are explained further here.  
by Teinesavaii (Wikipedia)
A simple canoo, or a gid is a personal vehicle used by individuals for small-distance travel, fishing, and transportation of items. The canooes can be one-hulled, or they can have a small outrigger. The most are propelled by paddling alone, but some of the larger fishing canooes also have sails.
by H. von Rosenberg
A žan is a larger ship, designed to carry a crew of people, and to transport large number of goods. The ships usually have two outriggers, and a covered hold for protection from the rain and sun. The ships have one or more sails, but can also be paddled when in need.

These ships are used for long-distance travel on open sea, trading, as well as warfare.
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Zeribians have also perfected the skill of navigation. This skill is practised by a tergriškal, 'watcher of stars', a master navigator that is able to steer the ship based on the position of the sun and stars, and other signs of nature. The exact details of the trade are secrets, that are transmitted in the families of navigators.


The ships are vital for the Zeribians, because their civilization is spread over hundreds of small islands, and the only means of travel is by boat. Many mainland settlements also rely on the Zeribian traders, that bring valuable goods from the distant lands to their ports. Travellers can also by a place to travel on a merchant ship, and although this mode of travel is not prestigious, it is usually both affordable and fast.


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