The Dark Week Tradition / Ritual in Salan | World Anvil
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The Dark Week

The Dark Week is celebrated around the winter solstice in the Republic of Free West Island. The winter solstice is the time when their principle deity, Alte Silmim Tingim, often personified as the sun, as on their weakest, which means he can't protect his people from the dangers looming in the underworld. The Dark Week is thought to be a time when the spirits of the ancestors are restless and possibly dangerous, because the Divine isn't protecting the living from them. The children born during this time are considered unlucky.   The cult of Alte Silmim Tingim is the state religion of the Republic, and thus all the citizens of the Republic are mandated to participate in the celebrations. During the dark week the citizens avoid lighting any fires. There is no lighting outside and people are expected to stay home after the sunset. Inside only small candles are used to do the absolutely necessary things. Fire might be used for cooking, but the faithful prefer to eat cold food such as bread, cheese and fruit.   The time is also evidently dangerous for the poorest people of the Republic. The houses get cold and windy when they are not heated properly, and especially small children often get sick. Eating cold food and drinking unclean water without boiling it is also leading to infections. This is explained as the work of the bad spirits.   During the week no public officials are at work. Any official matter such as marriages or inverstigation of crimes cannot be conducted. After the period the new officials are named for the year. The Dark week is traditionally a time when the Republic likes to get rid of any officials that have been trying to challenge it's politics.


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