The Island Chain of Motuahi [WASC2020]
the island nations of Mott who he or a small ARPA logo of volcanic islands. They are located on the other side of the world of true Linea's and the smallest of the named regions of saga dorm.
Fauna & Flora
Since all of the magic is expelled in the chain of most who are he, it is an extremely volatile and volcanically active chain of islands. Because of all of the volcanic eruptions and lava flow, along with its tropical environment, it is a virtual paradise filled with flora and fauna found nowhere else.
Attempts to transplant agriculture that grows so easily in my two he has failed even in similar climates or when the soil was transplanted along with it. The islands of most who are happy have a higher percentage of blessed animals born in its wilds than any other place of saga dorm. However, they are the most aggressive and difficult to catch let alone kill.
Natural Resources
during the reign of the ferry council, a very large embassy was created there to to capitalize on the high percentage of blessed animals that were born in this island chain. The most skilled of all of the Rangers would serve in this embassy, as it took great skill to be able to survive an attack from a blessed creature of Moto Aki.
During the formation of saga dorm when the four celestial dragons were enveloped by the metal Dragon of saga dorm, the magics that were imbued with in them formed lay lines across saga dorm. These were separate from the magnetic lines that were discovered and assisted in traveling and navigating the globe. The magical lay lines were not well known until after Vola became the first ferry and used her sensitivity of these lay lines to guide the people who followed her to the arpeligo of Trilenius.
The nexus of the lay lines at true Linea's is where all of the magic from saga dorm flows to. Vola followed this drawing of all magic to a center and was able to find the islands of true Linea's. Most who he is the opposite nexus of the lay lines, where all of the magic of saga dorm spews forth from the saga dorm core and propagates throughout the world.
After the founding of true Linea's, and the discovery of the ferry magical lay lines, a set of ferry adventurers and scholars set out from true Linea's to discover the location of the other ferry lay lined nexus. This was the first major expedition from outside the islands of Moto Aki to discover the appellate oh. The ferry visitors were welcomed by the natives due to their impressive displays of magic, which seemed to be enhanced by their proximity to the nexus.
As the fairies stayed in Moto Aki and intermingled with the indigenous people, the resulting fairies were extremely powerful and more in tune with the lay lines and the fire based magic that spews out of the volcanoes.
in the early history of the islands, very few outsiders knew of their existence it was difficult to navigate to and hard to find. Many consider the rumors of most who are he to be tales of legend where the dragons roamed and ruled the skies.
Alternative Name(s)