The Clash of Veterzemlian Clans [WASC2020]

The lands of Veterzemlya in the southern hemisphere of saga dorm were covered with high step prairies. There were many tribes and clans that roamed the gentle hills and wide prairies of this continent. While because I nomadic, the people of Veterzemlya did share the common language and culture as they focused on their herds and other animals as they went around the nation seeking good grass and forage to feed their animals. Due to the nature of the wandering clans, the concept of ownership of land was a foreign concept. The different clans would come and go in whatever pattern they wish to follow so that they could find the best grounds after generations and with the ideas of other countries seeping into their culture farmsteads began to come up and instead of using wild grass to feed their crops hey and wheat were grown and were used to provide feed for animals.   The introduction of agriculture as a main food source to help the stock and herds of the clans caused great contention. Many of the favorite areas of the Veterzemlya and hillsides and prairies were now being fenced off and converted into farmland. The establishment of these small settlements by some clans while others still roamed the countryside cause great division among clan leaders there was no central government of the clans to help diffuse the tensions that began building. The more settled clans fiercely guarded their homes and farms and herds against the more nomadic clans that still continued to go throughout the countryside, some resorting to banditry or thievery in an attempt to preserve their way of life.   Many of the home based farming clans wished to and the clashes by bringing all of the leadership together to find a way to solve the problem of the now frequent clashes. A great counsel was convened together to work out the problems. The result of the clashes came in the form of a committee of chiefs. The head amongst these committees became the first czar of Veterzemlya. This czar helped the city-based farmers to have protections for their homesteads. This czar also helped the more nomadic clans to establish common herding areas and also practices on trading in marketplaces. This allowed for the nomadic's to have more consistent markets or places to sell their goods that they crafted along the way. This also gave the farmers fresh customers that would consume the goods they produced as well.   Upon the completion of the new centralized government of Veterzemlya, members of the ferry council ambassadors came to Veterzemlya and requested an audience to be able to establish relationships with the larger international community. The czar welcomed them and especially appreciated the magics that they could then bring to aid the people of Veterzemlya. In exchange many of the nomadic clans volunteered to become the Rangers of the ferry council who would go out and hunt the blessed animals to collect the crystal cores desired by the ferry council. This allowed the youth who wished to maintain some of their more nomadic traditions and connection to the wild while also providing income and structure that many saw was beneficial.   Because of this many of the boundaries that had previously separated the clans began to break down. After a couple of generations, the pride of the people saw themselves first as Veterzemlya and's and second as members of a specific tribe. This newfound nationalism allowed them to come together as a unified people working for the benefit of the farmer and the more nomadic clans who wished to live off of the land. The Veterzemlya in Rangers became some of the best trained and most well-known of the entire Ranger corps.
Conflict Type


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