Sadin'shaw The 1st World is born
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The 1st World is born

Era beginning/end

The Beginning of Time

The Gods agree to work together to build the first world and the creatures that would reside upon it.

In the time before there was the One Above All who always was and always will be. But the One Above All was lonely and thus it tore itself into two beings, The Primus and the Prima. The two held instant hatred for each other and they began to fight, as they tore into each other the pieces became the stars and the sky. While they fought they became enamored and began to make love to each other only to fall into a cycle of fighting and love. By the end of their fight they both died but from their bodies came the Gods.   The Gods learned from the mistakes of their progenitors and chose to challenge each as opposed to direct conflict. And thus the First World was born each of the Gods worked together to build upon a stage that would resolve any dispute. For a time all was well and even good will enough was shared by some that other Gods were birthed but as the challenges grew so too did the Gods exert more power upon the world.

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