Warden Profession in Sadin'Shaw | World Anvil
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Wardens are often druids and rangers who have been chosen by powerful beings to connect to the primordial plane. Sometimes a lost wonder will stumble upon a fairy ring or ancient grove and be granted the powers by alien creatures of the natural world but these wardens are rare.

Career Progression

Wardens have little organization and ranks save Elders who have experienced and passed down their knowledge to others who share their connection to the primordial. Elders are recognized by other wardens as being the most experienced, while age is often a factor occasionally a young child will become a warden and should they survive long enough they will be recognized as an elder by those twice their age.

Other Benefits

Wardens are given a connection to the primordial allowing them greater power over the natural world. This ability also allows the warden to change their form to an animal or element.



Wardens are the chosen of the incarnations of nature and the natural world chosen as the agents of these beings.

Social Status

Many wardens often shun civilization; some of them lead or guide totemic barbarian tribes. Others embrace the city life seeing it as an extension of nature in itself becoming shopkeeps or healers. Other Wardens go into deep seclusion in their territories, and still others let their shapechanging animalistic instincts overtake them until their humanity was hardly recognizable.



Wardens often follow a tribal hierarchy named a calling in which those of similarly styled patrons often and ritually tattoo each other to protect themselves from the warping effects of their primordial powers. This further serves to mark them as different from the rest of humanity, as the tattoos are often visible over much of the Warden's body.

Provided Services

Most wardens protect an area of land though others still provide insight into the primordial and nature. Some wardens abandon these tasks and seek out adventure for either personal reasons or to find balance with the primordial.

Dangers & Hazards

Wardens draw Essence from either the natural world and the primordial plane each of which shapes their power and their form in different ways. Those who draw from the natural world become closer to the elements and the cycles of life itself though if left unchecked their power petrifies them or turns them into raging natural disasters. Those wardens that draw too much of their power from the primordial become monsters with no unifying form, or sometimes forms that are locked between man and beast. In an attempt to avoid this fate, wardens will ask a friend, usually another warden, to kill them if they begin to lose control. In addition to their self-inflicted distinguishing marks, each Warden often has a "Tell" that manifests as an primordial characteristic that is visible to some degree or another in their original forms, further setting them apart from those untouched by primal energies.
Alternative Names
Wildborn, Chimera Turned, Nature Bound

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