DIVINITY LOST, A NEW DIVINITY GAINED Organization in Sacaris | World Anvil
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In the immediate aftermath of the splintering, clerics and prominent followers of Eris began to talk of a loss of the spiritual link they shared . As time passed those same followers began to see a diminishing of their powers. While reports of the events of the end of the Dark War are sporadic and often tainted with bias, there is an account that the majority of the population of sacrais has come to believe. Ozin, a member of the High council of Delmirez as well as a prominent Oracle and Temporal wizard claims to have scryed several of the final events at the center of Ospia, including watching Eris being struck down by Isabella Shadowspears blade. However as Eris's influence faded to the level it remains at the present day, followers of new gods began to appear in ever greater numbers, forming the current pantheon of 7. Vumdar- God of knowledge and the arcane, Ozaros - God of light and the sun, Coris - Goddess of sea and storms and battle and adventure , Ragthar - God of the earth , Guara- Goddess of craft and life , Vituna - Goddess of song and luck and party and joy, Vekthys - Goddess of death.


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