Lorokite Ethnicity in Rysidor | World Anvil
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The demonym, Lorokite, is treated as an honorary title. It is strictly used to describe the Grav of the Lorok Family Clans who reside in the mining settlement, Lorok. What was used as a slur toward the Lorokite Grave, the term Rokie is now used to describe other races that may reside in the mining settlement.

Gender Roles

Of the Lorokite, the men are the primary worker of the Obsidian mines on the Ashen Plains. They are often gone a few months at a time but during the refreshing season that occurs every ten years, they will be gone for up to two years as they establish new camps and harvest as much of the new obsidian as they can.
  The Lorokite Grav women are the primary caretakes of the children and maintain the daily life at Lorok. They oversee the refining production as obsidian is brought in, the few shops that are within the settlement, and the import and export of traded goods. Unwedded women will take on the additional task of working the refinery and sometimes mining when the need arises.
  While the men are seen as the head of their homes, their wives are given just as much respect in most matters. They are seen as the spokesperson of their household when their husbands are gone and even with their return they work in a partnership.

Raising of Children

While Lorok is protected by Leigham soldiers and mages, the Lorokite are equally trained in weapon-based and hand to hand combat. Grav being the only race that does not have a magical aptitude, it is found in every Grav cultures that they specialize in this form of training and start as young as three years old.
  It is the responsibility of the parents to raise and teach their children the Lorokite way of life, learning of languages, life skills, and Lorok history. Other than training, at this young age a child is given responsibilities of helping with home chores that include keeping the home, gardening and animal care. As the child grows older, they are given more responsibilities usually in running errands, helping in the community and for most young boys, they will accompany their fathers at the small mining camps scattered across the Ashen Plains. The boys are responsible to help keep the camp and start learning the process of mining obsidian.

Coming of Age

Boys to Men

Before a boy becomes a man, he must prove himself in the Lorokite way of life. This consists in two tests. The first test occurs between the age of seven years to sixteen years during the year that the great earthquake that occurs every ten years. This test gives them the first experience and preparedness of working obsidian mines. The adult men and the boys on their second test will teach the boys on their first in what to do to prepare for their time away from the settlement. They will be expect to be gone for at least a month once a mining camp is established. After the earthquake hits, the mining crews head out, led by the older boys to find new obsidian deposits, establish a camp and start the mining process. The first season boys are required to observe and help through the process and at the end of a month they will be assessed by the older boys and on their knowledge they learned before being sent back to Lorok.
  Second season boys are between the ages of seventeen years and twenty-six years. They are the ones to led the crew and establish everything that is needed for a well-functioning mining camp. After the first month period, the men will come to take the first season boys back to Lorok and then spend the rest of the year with the second season boys, letting the boys take lead and assess and observe how each boy works and who may be a strong leaders to run their own crew.

Girls to Women

As boys have to prove themselves in their skills and capabilities, girls are given the test of proving their skills and character. Over a five year period, starting at the age of fourteen, a girl will be given the responsibility of raising two h'tontusk piglets. She will be expected to care for them for two years; feeding it, cleaning it, tending to it when it's sick. At the end of the two year mark she will pick one to butcher and prep for the ceremonial meal, and one to train for a beast of burden. Her desicions will be based on the factors of the personality and temperment of the animal. This tradition symbolizing the woman capability to care for those who are meek and feed those who are in her care.

Customs and Traditions

Celebration of Earth and Stone

This celebration takes place before the great earthquake and after the first year of harvest of the new deposits. The Lorokites given thanks and recognition to their deity Toross who they believe provided their ancestors the obsidian deposits during their time of trial. It is recognized by a great feast and celebration in the beginning of the year and to end the celebration at the end of the first year the best of the obsidian that was harvested is grinded up into sand and given back to Toross.


Courting & Marriage

Lorokite men can only court Lorokite women or, in some rare occasions, they can court a Grav outside the Lorokite culture, but the woman must learn the Lorokite culture and traditions as prove themselves for the title of Lorokite. For women, they are only able to take on a Lorokite husband. It is a taboo for either man or woman to take a member of another race as their spouse and would no longer be considered a Lorokite in the eyes of the elders and the clans.
  Lorokite customs and traditions are commonly surrounded by acts of services and proving of worth and it is no different when it comes to courting. The man will do small acts of service for the woman he is interested in and even before this point, many will prove their worth in the eyes of their family and clan based on their duties to the clan. While it is up to the woman to pick her husband, if her family disagrees they can bring the situation to the elders and from there the elders will decide on the proposal.
  The ceremony typically consists of close family and friends of the to be married couple and is officiant by one of the elders.

Celebration of Life

New Life Ceremony

While the prospect of new life is exciting, the announcement of a child doesn't occur until after the child is born around their three month mark. At that point the entire Lorokite clan participates in the Celebration of Life with a feast and a formal ceremony that marks the child's introduction to the clan.

Funeral & Memorial

A funeral is held within a few days of passing. The body is given a purification ceremony by the family members or close friends before the body is taken to the mourning hill to be burned on a pyre and their ashes to be spread across the Ashen Plains. Similar to their birth tradition, everyone that can, attends the funeral to show their respect and acknowledgement in the passing of their companion and the deeds they've accomplished.
Related Organizations
Lorok Mining Company
Related Locations
Naming Traditions

Due to their seperation and loss of their homeland and old fmaily clans, the Lorokites are very traditional and strict to the naming. Names or variations to old family names are passed down through generations.  
Masculine Names
Feminine Names

Cover image: by Karsten Koehn on Unsplash


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