Scraben {Ratfolk} Species in Runefel | World Anvil

Scraben {Ratfolk}

These bipedal rat-like humanoids are the bane of many cities, fortresses, farmlands and other large or remote settlements. Though most people tend to refer to the Scraben as a single species, there are a number of subspecies each with various physical, intellectual and social traits. The most common subspecies are the Grey Scraben who tend to inhabit the underground network of sewer and tunnels that run beneath large settlements.    

Grey Scraben

Grey Scraben tend to live in small groups as living in large colonies near human civilizations usually results in them being hunted. Though given the right conditions, of either a large enough city or ample food sources, large colonies of Grey Scraben will pop up and become a serious problem. When a colony population grows large enough the colony becomes known as a "Scraben Hive" which is lead by either a Verminlord or Packmaster. While Grey Scraben tend to lean towards being scavengers, whenever they become a Scraben Hive they undergo a distinct change not only in communication and organization but also in physical appearance. These changes come about when either a Verminlord (a Grey Scraben of tremendous strength) or Packmaster (a Grey Scraben who has learned to hunt, capture, and tame creature) comes into power, ruling over the rest of the growing colony through either sheer strength or cunning.
  Grey Scraben colonies that become Scraben Hives change their common members into one of two adaptations depending on which type of scraben comes to power. If a Verminlord comes to power the common members become known as Feral Scraben and are primarily focused on sheer numbers and ferocity. This adaptation comes from the ruler's demands on its followers to grow more powerful and overwhelm their prey with numbers and a complete lack of fearing death. If a Packmaster, on the other hand, comes into power the colony changes in a completely different direction becoming hunters. These scraben are more focused on survival and as such develop tactics and traps to ambush their prey, but not always kill them. Packmaster's and their hunters will commonly capture their prey and attempt to tame them into hunting pets, but if they are unable to be easily tamed they will become food.  
      It is not uncommon to see humans, elves, or even dwarves as hunting pets for the Packmaster scraben as they are easier to tame than most wild animals. Fear is a great motivator for survival, especially when your food is the last person that you shared a holding cell with.  
- Ferelius Quill, An Investigation Into Grey Scraben

Shadow Scraben

  Shadow Scraben, commonly referred to as Night Scraben, are the most feared of the Scraben subspecies due to their lack of . Even though they seem to only appear in cities or other areas with abandoned buildings little is known about the Shadow Scraben as tracking and observation is all but impossible, and very few have been collected in good enough condition for dissection. It is thought that unlike other Scraben, Shadow Scraben are herbivores eating fruits, vegetables, nuts and other plants. It is also known that Shadow Scraben have no fear of people nor creatures easily twice their size, as known victims of Shadow Scraben attacks vary from adult Humans to full grown Orcs. This subspecies has several unique adaptations, for unknown reasons, which allow them to produce a particularly deadly poison and move more quietly than any other subspecies. The hands of the Shadow Scraben contain a poison gland which produces a virulent poison that flows into their claws which is injected into their victims with each swipe.  
      I have no clever words or dismissive comments for these vermin, they are truly fearsome and people should be worried about them. While I was traveling with a group of Talon Guard soldiers we were attacked by only one of these Scraben and had lost four members before we even knew what was attacking us.
- Ferelius Quill,
Report on the Nightwater Incident

Rot Scraben

  Rot Scraben, are one of two commonly misidentified Scraben. Though they look similar to Bile Scraben there are key features which distinguish Rot Scraben from other subspecies. The first of these is their inherently odd appearance being somewhere between living and dead but not undead. The Rot Scraben are hosts for a necrotic parasite which feeds off of their bodies but also keeps them alive, giving them their emaciated appearance. The second trait they display, which is due to their emaciated form, is an incredibly slow movement that could be mistaken for the shambling of an undead but appears to be a ruse of sorts. Whenever the Rot Scraben gets close to a creature, or a creature approaches it, it lungs forward with terrifying speed grabbing the creature and spreading its necrotic disease into the victim.  
      I have no clever words or dismissive comments for these vermin, they are truly fearsome and people should be worried about them. While I was traveling with a group of Talon Guard soldiers we were attacked by only one of these Scraben and had lost four members before we even knew what was attacking us.
- Ferelius Quill,
Report on the Nightwater Incident

Forest Scraben

  Forest Scraben
- Ferelius Quill,
A Study of the Flora and Fauna of Demistros

Winter Scraben

  Winter Scraben,
- Ferelius Quill,
Report on the Nightwater Incident

Bile Scraben

  Bile Scraben, also known as Stalkers, are some of the most feared and deadly of the Scraben subspecies. This subspecies has several unique adaptations, for unknown reasons, which allow them to produce a particularly deadly poison and move more quietly than any other subspecies. The hands of the Shadow Scraben contain a poison gland which produces a virulent poison that flows into their claws and is injected into their victims with each swipe.  
      I have no clever words or dismissive comments for these vermin, they are truly fearsome and people should be worried about them. While I was traveling with a group of Talon Guard soldiers we were attacked by only one of these Scraben and had lost four members before we even knew what was attacking us.
- Ferelius Quill,
Report on the Nightwater Incident

Sand Scraben

  Sand Scraben, also known as Stalkers, are some of the most feared and deadly of the Scraben subspecies. This subspecies has several unique adaptations, for unknown reasons, which allow them to produce a particularly deadly poison and move more quietly than any other subspecies. The hands of the Shadow Scraben contain a poison gland which produces a virulent poison that flows into their claws and is injected into their victims with each swipe.  
      I have no clever words or dismissive comments for these vermin, they are truly fearsome and people should be worried about them. While I was traveling with a group of Talon Guard soldiers we were attacked by only one of these Scraben and had lost four members before we even knew what was attacking us.
- Ferelius Quill,
Report on the Nightwater Incident

Additional Information

Average Intelligence

Depending on the sub-species of Scaben, many groups are just below human intelligence, while some are above or far below that.


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