Dregs Species in Ruins of Drakkenheim | World Anvil
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Much of Drakkenheim's population was killed in the meteor crash and the initial chaos. Those who survived those first hours and didn't escape the city were horribly mutated by the Delerium scattered throughout the city by the meteor. These pathetic wretches have been named the dregs. No two dregs are identical though there are rough classifications that can be applied to the endless variations of mutation suffered by these pitiful creatures who were once a vibrant part of this sprawling metropolis. Dregs were first described in "Flora and Fauna of the Haze", by Bartok the Bard.

Basic Information


Dregs are encountered in seemingly endless variation. A lucky few have relatively little in the way of mutation, and are recognizable as the people they once were. Others sport such horrific mutations as to be barely recognizable as humanoid. Some are decidedly amphibious and have gills and webbed feet, others have grown a thick chitinous covering that makes them difficult to kill, and others have vicious spines they can fire at range. These are just a sampling of the kinds of mutations you may witness upon venturing into the Haze choked streets of Drakkenheim.

Genetics and Reproduction

"When a humanoid succumbs to the corruption of the Haze, its form is twisted into a new dreg. In this way, new members are added to the seemingly numberless dregs. If dregs breed, no one has seen it and returned to tell the tale. Let us hope they do not possess any such means of increasing their numbers." - Bartok the Bard

Growth Rate & Stages

"It is my suspicion that the dregs are the base from which larger specimens, such as the haze hulks and protean abominations arise. Thus far I have found no proof of my hypothesis. I must find a way into the Inner City. I have heard these larger creatures are more numerous within the walls than without." - Bartok the Bard

Dietary Needs and Habits

Dregs do not appear to need food or water, although they have been seen consuming other humanoids.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Only found within the Haze, their population becomes denser as you go towards the center of the city.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Most dregs are preoccupied with their own internal torment are are not any more perceptive than the average person that they used to be. Some, however, have grown new sensory organs and are capable of seeing in the dark or underwater.

Civilization and Culture

Average Technological Level

Most dregs seem to have a fractured instinctual memory of their past lives. They have been spotted going about various activities they have engaged in before this horrible fate befell them. As such, they sometimes employ the tools of their trade, though they do so somewhat ineffectually.


Most dregs came into existence fifteen years ago when the meteor fell on Drakkenheim. Since then they have been seen aimlessly roaming the streets of this formerly great city.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Dregs are hostile towards other non dregs, and seem to have only a weak sense of self preservation.
Average Height
Small to medium size, depending on the size of the humanoid before its mutation.
Geographic Distribution
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