Blade that Thirsts Item in Ruins of Drakkenheim | World Anvil
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Blade that Thirsts

Most of the time the corrupting effects of The Haze is limited to organic matter and living things, but sometimes inanimate objects are corrupted as well. Such is the case of a Blade that Thirsts. While the name is of a Blade, the weapon itself does not need to be bladed. It can be a mace, club, or staff. The true defining characteristic is a thirst for blood and violence. 

Many creatures and objects within the Haze corrupt the body, but the Blade that Thirsts corrupts the mind and soul. It has powers that make it stronger than a normal weapon of its type, but in order to access those powers, it must be fed. Most simply require blood, but at least one man claimed his Blade hungered for uncorrupted souls. He had slain at least 20 of his fellow Queen's Men before he was hung for his crimes and his body burnt so it could not rise again. 

Because these are corrupted versions of previously normal weapons, there are no identifying marks or any defining physical characteristics of a Blade that Thirsts. At first, the wielder may not even know they carry such a weapon, but if they go too long without spilling blood, they will begin to feel its presence in their mind, encouraging them to get into combat.


Any kind of weapon that has seen use within the Haze can become a Blade that Thirsts, but it needs to have been subjected to prolonged exposure to the Haze and been used to perpetrate spectacular violence. Once such a weapon finds someone to wield it, it will begin to influence them towards acts of greater violence. Weak willed individuals will go mad with bloodlust, and even the strong willed can become wanton murderers.
Item type
Weapon, Melee


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