Quinten Adlam - Oen of Cindrus Character in Ruins of Alyeria | World Anvil
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Quinten Adlam - Oen of Cindrus

Oen are Alyerians petitioned by the Primes to become their hosts as they walk the material plane.  Quinten Adlam was the second host to the Fire Prime, Cindrus Ignom, selected in 56 CE.  Quinten a humble human priest was honored to be chosen.  The experience was far different than he expected.  When Cindrus ascended and returned control of his body he was irrevocably changed.     The knowledge Quinten gained colored how he saw the world.  Cindrus has walked the world for nearly 90 years, yet Quinten appeared and felt no older than 30.  He was revered by many to Quinten's disbelief, forcing him to retreat from the city to quiet contemplation.   As the years past he was partially forgotten and lived a simple existence in a small village along the Vyrinth's western coast.  There he observed his fellow Alyerians and dwelled on his time as an Oen.  Eventually, he knew he had to act.  Word has traveled to him from the larger settlements of the wars and abuse of magic.  Cindrus' possession has allowed Quinten to perceive his true motivations.  The people were merely pawns in an eternal war between the primes.  A perpetual fight for a balance that would never come.   Returning to the bustling streets he set about to educate the populace to the motives of the primes and the seduction of magic.  In the beginning, only a handful listen.  As the months passed more and more turned an ear toward his sermons.   Soon they began to ask what path to walk if not the one tread by the Primes.  Quinten reminded them of the time before they fell to the world with great force.  The quiet and peace that permeated the world.   This was the beginning of the Fundamentalist Movement.  A shift in the cultural direction and awareness of all of Alyeria.  A shift towards and appreciation of the gifts the world provided and careful reserved use of magic.  His flock grew and soon shrines and houses of worship were established.  This gained the attention of the Aoen's.  They were not displeased and encouraged open thought, but keep a careful eye on them to ensure the group did not become radicalized.     Quinten Adlam passed from this world in 243 CE.  His message has spread across the world and would gain intense devotion following the collapse.  As Alyeria struggled to climb from the ashes, Quinten's words gave many strength and solace.
Circumstances of Death
Died of natural causes
Amber flecked with gold. Deep cracks or scars radiate from around the eyes dividing his brows and cheeks.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5' 11"


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