Morilgrin's Maw Geographic Location in Ruins of Alyeria | World Anvil
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Morilgrin's Maw

High above the middling town of Girthfla a jagged precipice looms over a barren valley.  This rocky outcropping is lined with spiky formations that resemble teeth.  Created through erosion by natural forces or the hands of locals, no one is certain. The formation is not perfectly aligned and some have broken away looking like missing teeth.  Standing back the ridge looks like the one side of a massive lower jaw.  This influenced the locals to name it the Maw, while visitors to the area likened it to the titan Morilgrin spiky toothed mouth.     Accidents unfortunately have plagued this foreboding attraction.  Several locals and many travelers young and old have been claimed by the Maw, falling to their deaths over the years.  That is until one of them returned.   Missing for 3 days a traveler stumbled into the town's stables, dirty, clothes tattered and speaking in an unknown tongue.  Fellow travelers were astonished at their return, having seen the deadly tumble into the abyss.  A few days later the traveler was answering questions at the local inn.  Unfortunately, they were unable to provide details of their survival, they have memories of the fall, then blackness.  They awoke on the precipice, confused, and returned to town.   Believed to simply be a miracle the travelers moved on and the town resumed its daily activities.  6 months later it happened again to a local.  This started the whispers of curses and strange magic.  A year later another returned from the Maw and this has continued without a predictable schedule ever since.  Pilgrimages began from the surrounding areas as the hopeful came to seek their own miracle.  Many plunged into the barren valley desperate for their own miracle.   This forced the local authorities to shut off access to the area, building a fence and posting guards.  Still, individuals managed to sneak past and take the leap of faith.  And the returns continued.  The most famous of those is Galeb Tristnal, Prince of the Trunvifal Territories to the south.  Afflicted with an incurable rot, they confronted the guards, demanding entry.  They refused and he drew on them, slaying one before the other yielded and allowed him access.   He dove into the unknown.  4 days later returning, healed.      No one is certain of the power contained there.


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