Elementalists Ethnicity in Ruins of Alyeria | World Anvil
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Honor the elements, honor the Ebb.
— Quinten Adlam, Remnant of Sauvrix
  A return to the respect and recognition of nature is rooted in the sermons of Quinten Adlam, a former Aeon, now a remnant. His experiences as a host for Fire Prime Sauvrix forced him to re-evaluate the course of Alyeria's future. The intimate bond he shared with the Prime not only affected his body but left portions of Sauvrix's memories and knowledge behind. It took some time for him to comprehend these experiences after the Primes essence left his body.   It was clear that the Primes had manipulated the people to perpetuate an eternal struggle that they have waged among the stars for eons. Now they rally us to continue their dispute. But at what cost? So many Alyerian's both Children of Light and Dark died in the war. And what of these labels light and dark? Had we not existed in relative peace before the Primes?   As the Attunement Era wound down, Quinten began to preach a return to the basic traditions, honoring all the elements of the world. These traditions predated the Primes arrival and were a definitive cultural centerpiece. He assured his flock that magic and the Ebb were gifts from the Primes, and had only enhanced all Alyerian's understanding of the world and its interconnectivity.   Quinten believed that shaping the Ebb should continue, just not to the excess it was done now. Alyeria had to regain its footing to chart a prosperous future.   As more Primes ascended to the Great Wheel they began to recognize that the remnants were shifting the populace away from their agenda. A solution came with the creation of the Aoens, a material representative of the primes and a direct connection and influence to the believers.   Today, in the aftermath of the Collapse Elementalist beliefs are prominent and the old traditions are honored by most. There is still some reverence for the Primes and the Aoens, many recognize their contributions, but do not accept their altruistic image.


Culture and cultural heritage

Favor the old manual, handcrafted methods of the past.

Shared customary codes and values

Less reliance on the magic and magical devices.


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