Kappa Character in Rothrian | World Anvil
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The axe whizzed through the air and neatly split the piece of wood in two. Sweat beading on his forehead, the boy lifted his axe for another blow when a noise stopped him.       The youth, about twelve, crossed the yard of the orphanage. Wind flicking his dark brown hair into his eyes, he constantly scanned the yard for any signs of the cry his sharp ears had heard. There it was again! A small whimpering sound came from behind the boys’ dormitory and Kappa’s blue eyes focused in the direction of the noise. He raced quietly to the corner and peaked around. One of his roommates, an eight year old boy, huddled against the wall. He was surrounded by two older boys who were known around here as the meanest bullies.     “What’cha whining about twerp?” one of them jeered. “Why don’t you go cry to your mummy?” the other boy gave the kid a shove as he said this. Rage boiled up in Kappa's chest and he stepped around the corner. “Leave him alone!” he cried. The bullies looked at him and doubled over in laughter. “You? Stop us?” Kappa was short for his age, but he had some strength to his short frame. Kailor, the young boy, looked at his rescuer with renewed hope. “Leave him alone,” Kappa repeated as he moved closer. The bullies weren’t fazed. They ignored Kailor and moved closer to Kappa to try to frighten him, but the youth didn’t back away. “Do you really think you are able to hurt us?” the taller bully asked with a sneer. Kappa didn’t answer and set his jaw for a fight. He ducked a punch and retaliated with a kick that sent one of the older boys sprawling...

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Capable of nearly anything related to a physical challenge and determined to do even more.

Facial Features

His face could've been chiseled out of stone. Rarely does a smile touch his face and even then it could be an illusion.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Where Kappa's parents came from no one is quite sure. there is some rumor that they came from the Misty Mountains, but it is not backed up by evidence.     Kappa says his parents died in a flood, but the real story is that they were murdered and he was there to witness it. When he was only ten, he came home one night to watch a horrific scene... Isikhova moved to protect his wife more with his widespread arms as he knelt before his brother. “No, please don’t do this, Okubi! You'll split the clans and it will never be the same," he begged.   There was no response.     “Okubi-”Isikhova’s words were cut off by the spear thrust into his chest. Kappa’s cry was drowned out by his mother’s scream. He turned away from the window and pressed his back to the wall as that stopped short as well.     His twin brother, Taber, soon came home to find their parents dead and a great wall went up between the brothers that day...   “Give it to me. Give it to me now!”     The ten year old frowned. “Father gave it to me and gave me instructions about it. I will not.” “Give it to me right now or I’ll take it,” demanded Taber. “I’m the eldest and I deserve something to remember our parents by.” Their blue eyes met and Kappa decided to do what he always did when Taber acted like this. “You can’t run from me, Kappa,” the older boy said, reading his thoughts. “Very well.” The younger boy seemed to brace himself and then tossed their father's ring towards his older brother. Taber reached out a hand to catch it, but right before he did, a hand flew out of nowhere and snatched it from midair. Kappa darted out the door, the ring safe in his grasp. It had been a risky trick to do, but it had worked. He heard the door slam back on its hinges and the pounding feet of his pursuer. “You coward! Come back and fight me face to face!”   But he never stopped running.       That was only the beginning of Kappa's adventurous life however. In the orphanage, he adopted the role as protector for the younger boys to keep them from being bullied. That was how he had met Wurren.


The day after he met Wurren, Kappa began to learn all that his friend taught him, archery, knife throwing, skulking, sword fighting, hand to hand combat, and anything else Wurren learned. But one day, they got caught... Kappa reached for the quiver that Wurren held out to him and froze. “Wurren,” a deep voice made the younger boy slowly turn around. Louris was of average height but had very broad shoulders which made him look even bigger to both boys. “Aye, Father?” “I thought you had your writing lessons right now. Migel asked me if you were sick earlier because he had not seen you for a week now.” Kappa was silent as he watched his friend’s shoulders slump. “Sorry, Father.” “Who is this?” Louris looked over at Kappa. “I’m from the orphanage, sir. Kappa is my name.” “Well Kappa, I’m sorry that you can’t play right now. Wurren has his lessons to attend to.” The commodore’s eyes were kind, but firm. Wurren’s head snapped up. “But Father, we weren’t playing!” “Oh? From what I saw, you were either playing with your bow, which I have strictly forbidden you to do, or showing off.” Kappa finally made the difficult decision to step in even though he was scared to death. “It was neither, sir. Wurren has been teaching me.” “Teaching what?” Wurren thought he could see the slightest glint of interest in the brown eyes. “All the things he’s been learning.” “Is that so?” Louris asked. “Well then, Kappa, stop by the Command Center at dawn tomorrow morning. Do you know where it is?” The boy nodded. Kappa shot Wurren a sympathetic glance before his friend followed his father back to their home. He wondered what the Commodore wanted from him. After all, he was just an orphan. That's how his education as a Watchman began. Not a very elaborate beginning, but everyone has to start somewhere.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Kappa has achieved the level of the golden Watchman and is one of the best in the League.

Failures & Embarrassments

He's only being kind, but sometimes Wurren teases poor Kappa about being too nice to the Mevolen girl...   "She's just a friend!" Kappa protested and Wurren raised an eyebrow at the slightly red face. "Ralen is a friend of both of ours and he asked me to look out for Rena in case something ever happened to him."         "Oh of course, of course." The younger man nodded, his face still showing that he didn't believe his friend.  Kappa rolled his eyes in frustration. "You don't believe me, do you?" "Nope!" Wurren said with a grin. So yeah, that can be a little embarrassing for the young man.

Personality Characteristics

Savvies & Ineptitudes

He was rather cold when a new apprentice of the team came to train with them because of 'the' accident. Kappa finds it hard to forgive people sometimes and his friendship with Wurren can cause him to even kill someone that attacks his best friend.

Likes & Dislikes

Kappa loves to play his violin and he's pretty good at it too.

Virtues & Personality perks

He might be quiet, but he's very friendly once you get to know him. And if you're a friend, then you can be well assured that he would die for you.


Family Ties

He's heard he has family up in the Misty Mountains, but has never had the chance to go check it out. Taber died nobly in the fight against Algol so he doesn't have any immediate family alive.

Social Aptitude

Great manners that he picked up from Wurren, but hardly uses them considering that he doesn't go to many social occasions.

Hobbies & Pets

Hobbies: Sword fighting, playing his violin, and scaring the living daylights out of people.


Sometimes he uses exclamations like "Rattlesnakes and scorpions!" Nothing bad, just stuff he picked up from the orphanage.
Current Location
Sky blue
Dark brown, almost black hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Nicely tanned

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