Caught! Plot in Rothrian | World Anvil
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Your mouth opens, but no yell escapes. As he moves slowly towards you, you back away. Hands scrabbling for a hold on the rough bark, you feel yourself falling. Open air rushed up to greet you then you hit the ground with a solid thud and groan.  The two people on the ground spun around while simultaneous drawing their swords. Stumbling to your feet, you back away from them. The other stranger dropped down lightly beside you, knife still drawn.    One of the strangers sighed. "Gliese, go get the captain and whoever is with him. And please, don't scare anymore villagers."   The person sheathed his knife, gave a single nod, and moved off without a sound. The other two sheathed their swords as you find your voice.     "I'm not a villager. I'm not even from this country." One of them froze and his hand moved back to his sword hilt.   The other still had a guarded expression on his face as he demanded, "Where are you from?"   "Uh, not from around here that's for sure. I was staying at the village a little ways from here for this week and I just went explor-" You cut off your explanation as the brown haired stranger drew his sword. "This stranger could be a spy or assassin for all we know? Can we just tie them up?" "No, Damien. We have to wait till the captain comes. There no proof that this stranger is lying or telling the truth. It will be nightfall before the others arrive. We can set up camp here." Blue eyes watched your every move from under that dark hood. "I wouldn't suggest that you try to run. It's useless." You could just make out blonde hair framing the face hidden in the shadows. What are you to do?

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