Utrællruð Character in Rivendom | World Anvil


Utrællruð, the "Bloodwolf," is a popular vigilante hero among the people of Gelethis. Utrællruð is not his name but rather a moniker given him by the people. It is taken from utris, which pertains to a kind of titanspawn that resembles a wolf, and fællruð, meaning "blood," due to his characteristic ferocity and the lingering scent of titansblood that follows in his wake.   As the Bloodwolf is a vigilante, the Exarchy disapproves of mere existence on a fundamental level. In Gelethis, only the Exarch is possessed of the right to enforce laws and pass judgment on lawbreakers, an authority that is shared only with a select few. The presence of a vigilante runs counter to this basic principle and therefore cannot be suffered to continue. Neither the city guard nor the Gelethian Runeguard have so far been able to capture the Bloodwolf, however.   Rumor has it that the Bloodwolf is so adept at avoiding the tactics of the Gelethian Runeguard because it was he who invented them to begin with. Many people believe that the Bloodwolf is a disgraced former Knight-Commander of the Runeguard who grew disillusioned with the regime and the corruption that was allowed—if not outright encouraged—by the Exarchy and the hypocritical Church.


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