Sōrū Species in Rivendom | World Anvil


Sōrū, Hisaqa kqōbū, are a species of semi-domesticated even-toed ungulates endemic to a small region of the Shār in and around the settlement of Kqōbū. They are prized by the people of kqōbū not just for their utility as beasts of burden and labor, but also for their uniquely flavorsome meat, fatty milk, firm antlers, and supple hides.

Basic Information

Dietary Needs and Habits

Sōrū are primarily herbivores that supplement their diet with foraged insects. They survive largely by grazing on woody shrubs and berries found in the understory of the Shār. They are uniquely tolerant of rubha fruit, which are known to contain elevated concentrations of cyanide, and though they can sicken and die when they consume too many, they are able to eat rubha fruit in amounts that would easily kill other creatures. Sōrū herders avoid rubha trees, particularly during masting years, as too many rubha fruits poisons sōrŭ meat and milk, making them unfit for consumption.   In order to obtain vital minerals and other such nutrients, sōrū can travel up to 30 miles in a single day foraging for insects. They use their horns to dig into the bark of fallen trees and expose the rotten wood underneath, feeding on the numerous insect species that thrive in such circumstances. Not only are the insects the sōrū's only source of a particular nutrient vital to their health, the exercise is also essential as insufficient exertion can lead to sōrū wasting away.
Scientific Name
Hisaka kqōbū
Conservation Status
As a relatively recent discovery, the species has no official protections. The difficulty of conducting a population assessment also complicates the creation of such a designation, though the denizens of Kqōbū do not believe there are any sizable populations in the area other than their herd. As a result, the sōrū have been given provisional protections until such time that a proper survey of population can be done.
Geographic Distribution


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