Aka Myth in Rise of the Cold Bloods | World Anvil
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Why do we call these waters Akakol?
  Aka came out of the vast ocean far to the west. His scales were of emeralds and sapphires; a glory to behold. The people stayed behind, trapped on small rocks where there was only bony fish to eat and rain water to drink. This was no place for the people, but there was no other home to have.
  But why did he come?
  The sea is a dark place, full of the Kula, the sharkmen. It is not a place for the people. Leave them to their salt and darkness. Aka saw the sea was no home for the people. He set foot upon the beaches, his iron claws digging through sand. Here were cool breezes and a hot sun. Here was bountiful fish and crabs. Here he would build his first home of driftwood. The Kula saw and laughed, but they couldn't handle this affront. They prayed to Depths Below who sent a great wave to crush the driftwood home.
  What happened then?
  Aka was angry, but saw the beaches were no home for the people. He pressed farther inland and found a great plain. Upon the great plain he found the great herds of Thunder Walkers, beasts of prodigious strength and size. One alone could feed the people for the weeks. Clear streams cut through the tall grass. Here too the sun was hot and the winds blew strong. Aka built himself a house of dirt; a mound he packed with his strong hands and tail. The Kula were still jealous. They prayed to the Depths Below who sent a great storm. Lightning struck the plain and set upon it a fire that burnt through with terrifying speed. The Thunder Walkers panicked and fled. The streams evaporated. This was no place for the people.
  What could Aka do then?
  Aka pressed on and came to a great forest. These would build strong homes for the people. Sweet fruits grew upon the limbs and small game roamed throughout. Aka built his home anew, a strong place of wood. Surely the jealousy of the Depths Below followed him yet; for the air grew cold and the fruits shriveled and the game disappeared. This was no place for the people. Hungry, Aka prayed to the Great Serpent Asu.
  Did Asu respond?
  Yes, yes. Asu chided Aka for his stubbornness. He filled Aka with shame for Asu would have helped at the beach, on the plain, and in the forest. These places were touched by the dark of the Kula now though. Unfit for the people. Asu commanded Aka to walk into the dawn, always to the dawn. When he had gone far enough they would speak again. So Aka walked. Days turned to weeks and then months. He walked only into the light. After one hundred days of silence, Aka came upon a small lake. Asu spoke. "Aka, here you will build a city. Build first a great tower of stone. Upon that tower build a great fire so that the people might see and come. I will guard this fire so long as you obey me." Aka looked about and saw no stone. He saw fertile soil and dense forests. Aka was confused.
  What did Aka do?
  Aka saw that night would come soon. From the forest he made a small shelter and a smaller fire to ward off the chill of the night. Then Aka dreamed. He saw the great serpent in its watery home, saw it repair the cracks in the earthen prison that surrounded it so that the mighty crocodile Szouo would not escape, saw Asu's blood turn to stone in the water. Aka arose the next morning and began to dig with his powerful claws. It did not take long before he found the stones Asu had left. For many weeks he worked, digging and bringing stones to the place commanded by Asu. It was tiring work. The best stones were by the water and slowly the lake grew, often filling in where Aka laboured. Eventually the tower was finished though. Aka gathered wood and hauled it to the top of the tower where he lit a great bonfire. Asu was pleased.
  Did the people see?
  Yes, yes they did. The people saw and left their small, rocky homes and bony fish. The Kula also saw and were jealous. They prayed again to the Depths Below who sent powerful winds to extinguish the flame atop the tower so that the people would lose their way. Asu heard the winds and kept its word. The great serpent commanded a flight of pterodactyls to shield the flame with their wings and it was so. This angered the Depths Below and they sent forth a minion of the deep. A horrid tentacled shark, an Akolg burst forth the newly created lake. It began to tear at at the tower with its suckered tentacles. Aka looked down from the guiding light he had set and despaired. He bore no weapons but his claws and teeth and wore no armour but his thick scales. Once again he prayed to Asu for guidance.
  Did Asu answer?
  Asu always answers if you listen. The great serpent lent Aka a portion of its power, hardening Aka's scales and strengthening his claws and teeth. Aka's lungs were filled with air and his movement blessed with speed. Beneath Aka the tower shuddered and tilted as the Akolg vented it's fury upon it. Aka dove from the top of the tower, his elegant tail straight out behind him. For three days and three nights he fought the Akolg until the waters were black with ichor and blood. On the dawn of the fourth day, there was silence and calm. The storms evaporated away and the waters were placid. When the people arrived, they found the body of Akolg washed up on the shore at the base of the tower. Within the creature they found the broken body of Aka, his claws having ripped the heart of the Akolg from its body. The heart still beat, but severed from the beast could not give life. Seeing his sacrifice, the people gave unto the waters Aka's name and his body, interring the First of the People in a stone sarcophagus at the foot of the tower he had built; where he lays to this day.

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