Bedrock Geographic Location in Riding entropy | World Anvil
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The entire world is built on top of an impassible, indestructible, incompressible, immutable substrate known as bedrock. This substrate takes on the shape of an oblate spheroid (much like any planet) with a flattening value of 2.55% (compare to earth 0.33% flattening). It has an equatorial radius of 27 AU (4e12 meters; it takes light almost 24 hours to circle the world; compare: earth is 1AU away from the sun). It spins around once every 6 days 6 hours (538500 seconds), and experiences about normal earth gravity everywhere. Somewhere above the surface orbits a bright star, and this star orbits in retrograde once per 28.58 hours. Together with the surface rotating, it appears as though the star orbits once per 24 hours. During sunrise, the star appears pale, and almost bluish green. During sunset, it appears yellow. This notable difference is a natural result of how fast it appears to approach and then regress during the day.


Viewing the world from a great distance or as a whole, it looks like a vaguely greenish haze, even more granular than any tv static. Around the equator, in a band about five degrees tall, the static loses its green, in favor of a yellowish blue... which still looks green. Around the poles, beyond eighty degrees latitude, it appears to be a pale greenish-white, indicative of the high ice coverage near the poles.


For reasons described in the flaura & fauna section, all weather phenomena take place over areas so (relatively) small that there is no clear way for any jet stream or global pattern to emerge; instead, all weather occurs locally and due to localized disturbances and irregularities.

Localized Phenomena

Underneath the bedrock is a black hole about 72 million times as massive as the sun (1.44e38kg; compare: sagittarius a* is about 4.3 million suns). This black hole is responsible for virtually all of the gravitational pull of the system.

Fauna & Flora

Due to the sheer stupendous, horrendous, monstrously enormous magnitude of this structure, the peregrine falcon (fastest earth creature) would have to travel at maximum speed for 239 billion years to circle the structure. Considering evolutionary timescales, it is entirely reasonable that each little square of land about one degree wide and tall would have its own fully unique flaura and fauna; therefore it is infeasible to speak of the world's life, and instead all efforts will focus on one latitude and one longitude.

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