The Awakened Character in Rhydar | World Anvil
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The Awakened

The Awakened

An important figure for the Korha faith. Ancient beacon of the Korrla people as most believe in the faith of the sisters. Most of its followers reside within the city of Briora and the Citadel of Korha.


Said to be chosen by the Korrlu god, Korha, this person is given one of four abilities that they are supposed to use to create a better life and protect the Korrla people. Given one of four abilities. These abilities, with all written records about them being held within the Citadel of Korha, are each special and unique and tell of the future to come for the Korrla people.


One of the only Rheyans to be an Awakened, Gara Norlana, would create storms and bring rain and snow to the district during a heavy drought period.
  The power to manipulate storms; this includes hurricanes, tornadoes, thunderstorms, snow storms, etc. This ability tells of there being a great storms coming to the Korrlu district that the Awakened must protect from.


Bryn Kera, a previous Awakened, was able to fragment his own soul and directly enter into the realm the souls' inhabit.
  Given the power to look within and manipulate a person's soul and commune with the dead. This ability is the most common of all the abilities and said to bring long standing peace to the area as long as the current Awakened lives. With their focus being solely on the betterment of the people of the district. This is the ability of the current holder, Biana Duasa.


Malyn Oliana, the last holder of this ability, was unable to protect the Korrla people from the area's last invaders, the Atlans.
  With the power to mask all lands and change any snow into sand, this ability was to tell of a coming invasion. With the Awakened holding this power to be the protector of the Korrla people against invaders.


Korryn Oliana used her powerful gift to raise up the city of Briora, creating an island city within the KoRin bay.
  The Power to create and meld lava. This ability is said to tell of a great flood that is to come. The Citadel only has one record of this ability, from the Awakened Korryn Oliana, who is said to have created the island of Briora which the city stand on after the flooding and creating of the KoRin Bay.

Stars (Prophesied)

The prophesied last Awakened, using all of Korha's gifted power to create a new star.
  The prophesied fifth ability of the Awakened. Though there is no record of this ability within the Citadel, it is said the Awakened born with this ability will have to sacrifice themselves and recreate the sun, finally bringing an eternal summer to the Korrlu tundra.


The Citadel of Korha, built atop the mountainous island of Briora and the city of the same name.
  All Awakened are trained and educated in their powers at the Citadel of Korha. One of the few religious buildings in Rhydar that does not worship the sisters, learning about the god of the Korrla people, named Korha, who is prophesied to bring heat back to the Korrla tundra.

The current Awakened was found by an outcasted Korha Priest who was traveling around the Anniy district. After finding Biana within the city of Kaika, he returned back to the citadel hoping to be praised for finding the next Awakened. It was quite the opposite however as he was stripped of all his titles and Biana was seen as a disgrace to the Korha faith as she was an Annie, who are seen as the least pure of all in the eyes of most at the Citadel of Korha because of their befriending of the Atlans.

Current Awakened

Current Awakened, Biana Duasa
  The current Awakened, Biana Duasa, is the first ethnically Annie Awakened. Rejected by her people due to the views the Korrla people of Briora hold on the Annie, being refused entry into the Citadel of Korha, she now uses her powers to take the souls from all who wronged her and trap them within the crown on her head to live an eternal torture.
Current Location
Circumstances of Birth
Born the first Annie Awakened, much to the disdain of the Korrla people
Light brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Known Languages
All Awakened now born live within the borders of the Kingdom of Atla, and must learn Siara, they also learned the ancient Korrla language, Lynu, which all the scripts in the Citadel of Korha are written in.
Though the exception to this is the current Awakened, Biana Duasa, who is not allowed within the Citadel of Korha, being seen as an enemy by her people due to being Annie, and thus does not know Lynu.


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