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The Creation of the Pass

In the beginning, Rhina was water. Thi sculpted the seas, the mountains, the forests, every grain of sand in the desert, and every snow-flake in the arctic. They shifted slightly for a time after creation, the ocean licking at the coasts, seeing if they could creep up, and the ground reaching out into the ocean, seeing how much of Rhina they could claim. This was at the same time as the creation of life on Rhina, all the animals and plants.  
Pakpan, Osupa, and Ghsiar, Rhina's usual companions, were excited about the creations. They admired the mountains and the creatures. Osupa, Ghsiar, and most of Pakpan admired the creatures, but other aspects of Pakpan admired the land. They especially enjoyed the mountains, which reach off of Rhina towards them.
"How are the creatures supposed to get across the mountains?" Pakpan asked, pointing out the Daltou Mountains. "All the creatures will be trapped over here." Pakpan reaches towards the mountains and makes as if to rub a finger on the peaks.
"Don't touch that!" Rhina scolded Pakpan, "It's exactly the way it's supposed to be Thi would have made it differently."
"Well, I think Thi should reconsider."
The myth says that Pakpan created the pass in the Daltou Mountains, against he wishes of Rhina. They converted their physical form and carved a space between the mountains so that the animals could pass. There are supposedly star fragments lost in the mountains from carving out the pass, but no one has found them. At this point it is assumed that that part of the myth isn't true.


There isn't much interest in the myth beyond the influence of the pass. Libraries across all of Dae contain the myth, but no one particularly cares. Some fortune seekers may look for the rumored pieces, but since there has no been sign of them in a thousand years it's assumed that part of the myth is not true.
Date of Setting
before the current Era (before Thi's death)
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