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Ryllae Shatumal

Prince Slayer Ryllae Shatumal

The princess of Naeris Erenaeth, Ryllae Shatumal is infamous for slaying him. The betrayal to the prince was a surprise to Widud who enthusiastically embraced Ryllae as their princess. The elves of Widud are a slow moving culture, and Naeris was the only prince of the family, resulting in the current anxiety regarding the future of Widud.

Mental characteristics

Personal history


Ryllae was born in [main city of Widud] to inconsequential commoners (they became noteworthy as the parents of the princess, and of course mattered to their daughter). She was raised with an affinity to nature, especially plants and learned how to forage and create potions. While her family was not wealthy like the noble families, she grew up comfortably. As she aged, Ryllae was able to draw in a little income with her potions. The extra coins Ryllae earned, she typically spent on clothing. She especially adored garments made from less refined natural materials, saving up to commission an unusual skirt of woven leaves, a dress made entirely of flowers or simply fancy embroidery.  

[an interesting event]

The turning point of Ryllae's life was catching the attention of Naeris at [ball/event/idk. maybe something relating to Celaena or the pass]. Naeris sites her extravagant outfit, made of flowers and leaves, patterned into a butterfly. The story that followed was perfect fodder for a fairy tale romance. It is the center of several books both fiction and nonfiction that were popular in Widud. Within the year, Naeris proposed to Ryllae, and she became the princess of Widud.  

Royal Life

Ryllae's outgoing and agreeable nature made her a beloved member of the royal family. Her eccentricities made her interesting, and she roped several royals into forest walks foraging flowers, mushrooms, and delicate leaves. While some common woman hated her for "stealing" the prince from eligibility, she was generally liked by the common people for the same qualities the royal family appreciated.  

Poisoning of Naeris

On the 5th of Solsylis, 1212, prince Naeris was assassinated by Ryllae by way of poisoning. She reported her crime to the guards herself, distraught. In the following legal repercussions, Ryllae was naturally found guilty of the crime and sentenced to execution. During the trails, she claimed that Naeris was infected by vampirsm and the royal family ignored her pleas for help to deal with the prince's condition. Thus, her sentence increased from assassination to also include libel. The royal family obviously denies the claims.  

The destruction of a lineage

While most of Widud believes their royal family, the accusations give fodder to rival factions to increase support against the royal family. Disregarding the usual undercurrent of revolutionary groups, the death of Naeris bodes poorly for the future of Widud. With the king and queen aged past any reasonable expectation of producing another heir, it appears that the royal family will end when they die. In the 11 years since the prince's assassination, there has been no move by the royal family to appoint any sort of successor. While there is peace for now, it is an anxious peace.

Mental Trauma

Ryllae seemed to be deeply troubled by killing her husband, and her accounts in trial are often questioned. Those who side with the royal family against her may still sympathize with her by siting insanity.
1183 TP 1213 TP 30 years old
Circumstances of Death
curly red

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