Nightmare Watch Organization in Rexweld | World Anvil
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Nightmare Watch

The Nightmare Watch is an organization of adventurers, mercenaries and overall powerful and capable individuals who've devoted their lives to containing the creatures in the Dreadful Lands to never allow them to escape and cause devastation on the humanoid settlements of the outside world. They only accept the most powerful and capable individuals, not wishing to train rookies who'd die in their first encounter with a monster.  

Nightmare Watchmen's Oath

Each individual who joins the Nightmare Watch and becomes a Nightmare Watchmen says an oath promising their devotion to the protection of Elgidth by being a Nightmare Watchmen. The oath also includes promises similar to the 11 orders.

Public Agenda

The Nightmare Watch works as a protective force that defends Elgdith and the rest of Rexweld by containing the monsters of the Dreadful Lands and not letting them escape.


The Nightmare Watch with major funding from surrounding civilizations has built a large stone wall surrounding the Dreadful Lands which also has many forts built into it where the Nightmare Watchmen reside, train, sleep and plan. There are a few fortresses located on the Southern side of Elgidth's Wound. The Nightmare Watch also owns multiple ships and fortresses built in the waters surrounding the Dreadful Lands to the East.


The Nightmare Watch was formed initially as a group of volunteer soldiers and adventurers and common folk who just wished to protect their homes from the invading monsters. This over the course of many hundred years turned into an actual organization that was founded by the surrounding civilizations to form proper defences to not allow the monsters to get any further. With a lot of funding and a lot of donated resources walls and fortresses were built for the Nightmare Watch to properly keep the monsters contained.

For the safety of all.

Guild, Fighter / Mercenary
Alternative Names
Dreadful Lands watch, Fools Watch, Suicide Watch
Nightmare Watchmen

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Cover image: by yo shimizu


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