Daeethh-theanae Item in Rethium | World Anvil
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There are a number of religious beliefs throughout Tarris Six and it's many continents, through which those who follow those beliefs come to worship their deities. One of the most common belief systems is that of polytheism, the act of believing in more than one deity of divine power.
  But even though so many believe in the power of multiple divine, peaceful gods who's goal it is to sustain and create and to give life and light to the world, there are those who believe in deeper, darker beings who have been lost to the eons of time and history. They believe that darker forces are at work, and they have many of their own religious items and writings with which to defend the claims that they have made concerning their beliefs.
  One of these artifacts is a book, bound in heavy leather and pony-hair string, and contains hundreds of pages.
  This artifact is known as the Daeethh-theanae.
  Translated from Reethese - the primary language of the Rethium continent - to Common, this name means Death Tome. Another title for this book is called "The Words Of The Eternal Darkness and Our Great One, Cnudhre." as well as "The Guiding Mind of The Great Eldritch Father, Cnudhre." and various other names that cannot hereon be disclosed. This book contains the writings of long-dead prophets and preachers who were infused with the darkness left behind after the fall of the Eldritch beings who were believed to have mastered the darkness that had come before the moments of creation, who claim that the Great One was the leader of a pantheon of dark, evil beings who hoped to create their own universe and rule it.
  This book tells of the thoughts of the deities and their powers, as well as the names of these deities and various prayers and calls and other methods of worship which could allow the user to summon the power of the various evil gods.
  Descriptions of their likenesses, their origins - falsified of course - and their intentions, as well as the relations they hold to the other dark beings and those that came after them. Excerpts from those who claimed to have mastered the ability to either summon or contain these evil spirits, and the locations from which it is rumored that the beings might be able to access the mortal world from their dark tombs beyond the universe. Even the words and phrases and rituals which must be performed in order to summon even a small fraction of the power of the darkness from which the dark gods originated many eons before the known beginning of time.
  A secondary book-like artifact also exists, and is used for these rituals as well as various other dark rituals. This book is smaller than the Daeethh-theanae, but has the power to inflict the user with various illnesses or conditions which can prove either non-lethal or lethal depending on the writings placed into the book. If the proper words are written into the book, it can cause the affected person to perish over a very short period of time.
  There is no given name to this particular book, only the description of it's power and the high possibility of the continued existence of these powerful objects. If you suddenly become deathly ill or otherwise afflicted out of seemingly nowhere and for no known reason, your name may have been written into the book, and the darkness may have decided that you have become a worthy sacrifice.

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