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Relvark The Beacon on the Hill

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"Relvark is a city unlike any other. At least that's what folks like to say about the city. These are the same folks who'd try and sell you on the line that Relvark is a metropolitan city, one of commerce and trade and progress. A city of the future blessing us all with its existence today; a shining beacon on the hill If you believe that I've got a very lucrative opportunity to discuss with you regarding a bridge to span the Oxcar River, highly profitable venture, can't lose. If any of that is true, it's that Relvark is a crowded city of bright lights. The shining glow of civilization cuts through the surrounding countryside, imposing its' will on the otherwise quite country. And I suppose it goes without saying that every light brings along its own shadow. (Two for one shopping, what'd I tell you, city of commerce.) But of all the dark spots, seedy neighborhoods, and tucked away places, none shines more brightly than the Five Barbs.   The Five Barbs of Relvark, a meeting ground of peoples, cultures, crime, and conflict in the grand old city of Relvark, what a place. Here we find the stone-lined confluence of the Relvark's five most noteworthy districts: Hermit's Orchard, Dun Row, Eardham, Beaconton, and Stone Bower. This metropolitan area is a home to all who live there, but this home is not without conflict. My old man, bard by trade, he once told me that whenever you've got a number of distinct and strong voices in a choir there's bound to be some discord. Now I do not claim to be a cleric, but I think it's safe to say there ain't nothing harmonious about the Five Barbs. Lucky for everyone an uneasy peace reigns over the Five Barbs, largely kept in place by the leaders of the district's main gangs. Sorry, "community organizations," is the preferred nomenclature. The leaders of these community organizations are usually able to keep something of a peace in the Barbs, it's bad for business if you've got open warfare after all. But, remember what I was saying about harmony before? In any case, this ain't really the place to be talking about all of that anyway. Why don't you come round the tavern sometime, you can buy me a drink and we can talk more, huh?"  
  • Duncan "Doc" Ehlonnasson