The Eldarrian Empire Organization in Relune | World Anvil
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The Eldarrian Empire (Eld-dar-ian Em-pire)

Many centuries of humans and orcs driving elves to near extinction was a catalyst for a new age.   When orcs raided the village of Sarielle's Song on 05/23/0062, they slaughtered and burned. They weren't interested in taking slaves, or really even resources. For them, it was simply fun. They weren't used to much resistance, and relished it when they got it. In this instance, six of the villagers fought in an attempt to buy others time to escape. None of them expected to survive the conflict. Among them were Zandaeyl and his son Lindaeyl L'Sheriss.   The village was located high in the mountains on cliffs above the Serpentine river, and the two men found themselves on the cliff's edge with orcs closing in. Lindaeyl planned to die taking out as many enemies as he could, but his father had a different plan, pushing him off of the cliff and into the river below. The younger man was the only one of the six that survived the ordeal, pulling himself to shore miles away. Lindaeyl swore to the Gods in that moment that he would avenge the dead and protect not only those that he knew, but ALL elves.   At that point in time the elven people were not yet used to fighting back. A year later, the elven nation of Lanaloria fell to the orcs as well. From its ashes Lindaeyl gained a critical ally in Prince Kyarin Sintari, who took up the mantle of his General and Advisor.   The Eldarrian Empire was officially formed on 06/22/0065 when Lindaeyl L'Sheriss was crowned Emperor. The title at that moment meant little in terms of territory, but everything to the people that followed him. It was not the land they held, but a promise of what would come. Lindaeyl vowed to protect the Elven people, and became known as The Savior of Elvenkind in doing so.   The Empire's goals later came to include protecting elven lands and the planet itself from what would harm it.
Geopolitical, Empire

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