Dwarf Species in Reghre | World Anvil
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Basic Information


Dwarves are warm-blooded, bipedal vertebrates with upright posture. The dwarven body consists of two arms, two legs, the torso, the neck, and the head.   Dwarves are of a stockier, shorter build than most other sapient species; with broader torsos and shorter limbs.

Genetics and Reproduction

Dwarf reproduction takes place via internal fertilization by sexual intercourse. Upon fertilization, gestation occurs inside the uterus. The average dwarven pregnancy lasts about 670 days. Multiple births are uncommon, but not unheard of. They are seen as a good omen and dwarves who give birth to twins revered among the Metder.

Growth Rate & Stages

40- Physical Maturity 125- Middle Age 188- Old 250- Venerable 450- Maximum age

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

While it is sometimes slow to grow, near all dwarves grow facial hair.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Dwarf senses include vision, hearing, sense of smell, sense of taste, touch and sensitivity to the planet's magnetic field.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms


Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Dwarven children's names usually incorporate elements of their parents' or grandparents' names.

Beauty Ideals

Hair has a heavy significance in dwarven society, particularly that of beards.   Hair is fully cut or shaved in mourning.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Most dwarven individuals have a family medallion; this medallion is handed down to each child that is valued by their parents. It bares a family crest or a family symbol, and depending on class can be stone (lower), metal (moderate, upper), or incorporate precious gemstones (upper, gentry, royality)

Common Taboos

Tattoos and stylized scarification are used to mark criminals, so tattoos for any other purpose are looked down upon. Some Seder who have integrated with surface society have adopted acceptance with tattoos but many traditionalist Metder still heavily associate tattoos with degeneracy.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Genetic Descendants
Scientific Name
Saxum fortus sapiens
Sedder, Metder, Igder
75 (Sedder), 115 years (Metder), 150 (Igder)
Average Height
1.2 meters
Average Weight
77-80 kg
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Sedder: Metder: Igder:
Related Ethnicities

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