Zencyre Character in RedEagle | World Anvil
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The Pipe-God-Emperor Zencyre (a.k.a. Jonty)

He lifted the mechanical creature by what seemed to be its neck, as he did so countless thousands of the creatures lifted as if being held aloft in the same manner. With a quick motion he shattered the creature and so did all the others. He had exterminated the pest from the world with one quick motion, no pest would be safe in this galaxy.

Divine Domains

Pipe, reality, Heaven, various other universes where his powers overlapped into.

Holy Books & Codes

RE lore. Pipe. Why sprites are bad. The entire discography of Meshuggah.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Pipe. A deep crimson eagle

Tenets of Faith

Hail pipe, for every moment you do so is a moment of calm, be calm in this hectic universe, every moment you can rest is a moment you are not running, hail pipe.


Life is a holiday in itself, many galaxies were given life as a gift from him.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Complete control over the universe, this includes fighting the other gods. Upon completion of this he plans to invade other universes and do the same.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Tall and extremely fast Moderas with near limitless stamina. In perfect health and is exceptionally capable in all things.

Body Features

Slightly paler than normal Moderas and sometimes appears transparent.

Facial Features

clean shaven with a tall face, he is missing his right eye brow.

Identifying Characteristics

The slight red aura that surrounds him when in bright light

Physical quirks

right handed but prefers to shoot with his left.

Special abilities

Teleportation, can create psychic clones of himself to be literally everywhere at once, can take over control of an individuals body. He is capable of summoning the dead from a recent battle and teleporting this army anywhere in the universe. He even has limited control over the flow of time.

Apparel & Accessories

Dark greys and reds, he can make any fabric feel like silk.

Specialized Equipment

Dark grey plate armour designed to allow for full mobility. He wields a master crafted axe at all times, this axe in his hands can cleave through almost any armour, and he can wield it with such speed its motions are nothing but a blur to any lesser creature.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

birth - architect responsible for overseeing the construction of ArcLight - Ripped the heart out of an eldritch god - Became a god himself - united the entire Moderas species - conquered the universe.

Gender Identity

Male.   Pipe.



Accomplishments & Achievements

Only creature to actually kill an eldritch god. Learnt to create life. Responsible for many mass extinctions and complete extinctions. Pipe cult began to give him godly powers to aid him in leading the Moderas across the universe.

Failures & Embarrassments

Outsmarted by the Vay emperor Zoro during a fleet battle resulting in the loss of 500 battleships.

Mental Trauma

He is the traumatic event.

Intellectual Characteristics

A god who enjoys to learn more about everything he comes across, from how do bees fly to what is the reason for humanity to be so violent to itself.

Personality Characteristics


Complete control over the universe and to spend eternity fighting countless hordes of enemies. Recently, kittens.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Extremely good at fighting in close quarters, absolutely terrible at comforting people. Brilliant musician and designer, terrible pilot with anything that isnt a very small fighter.

Likes & Dislikes

Loves pipes, hates sprites.   Everything else is just a thing.

Virtues & Personality perks

Patient, will save the lives of who he deems useful/worthy.

Vices & Personality flaws

Does not see the difference between friend and foe in the middle of combat. Listens to djent un-ironically

Personality Quirks

Cries when he laughs.


Perfectly clean at all times apart from when fighting, he allows blood and dried blood to build up over his armour and body, this normally makes most enemies flee in terror.


Religious Views


Social Aptitude

Very flirtatious. Massive ego, no seriously big ego, his ego actually has a physical form (the BRiDGE: a massive capital ship decorated in billions of pipes)

Hobbies & Pets

Miniature wargaming. Plays guitar, plays some of the heaviest songs to ever exist. likes cats.


Surprisingly he has a very strong "posh British" accent

Wealth & Financial state

Own everything under RE technically, he even owns whoever is reading this, he is a god.
Divine Classification
God, eldritch spaghetti monster
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Pipe-God-Emperor. The giver god. The bloody one. Djenty. DJ0NTYFR00K. Bane of machine.
Aquarion, jutii tree
Current Residence
The Pipe throne
dark red with incandescent irises
Long brown hair
Quotes & Catchphrases
Ruled Locations

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    Slaughter of Gissh
    Disaster / Destruction

    The eradication of the Gissh homeworld by Jonty cutting through every citizen and soldier with his axe and plasma pistol.

    More reading
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