The Black Obelisk Building / Landmark in Grezaghar - The Realm of Adventure | World Anvil

The Black Obelisk

Scribed by Pythix

Purpose / Function

It is believed that this tower contains a doorway to another place, not of this realms.


[font=Arial] As I ran through the halls of the tower there were creatures without skin wielding weapons that started chasing me. Right before I left tower I came into a room where a strange man that looked diseased stood in a corner. Thinking that the creature was not a threat it moved slow and lacked smooth coordinated action as it sensed me. When it was 2 arm’s length from me his eyes turn a bright white and a liquid came out of its mouth that seems to dissolve metal. Filled with desperation I found my way out of the tower and ran into a boneyard filled with dragons.[/font]


Upon discovering the tower scouts from the Tauren Whiteweaver Clan decided to make an outpost to observe its structure and the surrounding boneyard. According to writings discovered from the outpost, the tower seemed to raise out of the ground and continued to slowly move toward the sky over a period of 6 months.   After the last blood moon of the year, the tower started to levitate off the ground. After a freak meteor shower, the ground started to tear and expose a layer of blue light throughout the area. The tears on the ground seemed to be larger and the light seems to be more intense at the base of the tower.


The architecture is unlike anything in the realms. The tower has a black semi-metallic look to it. Etched in the walls of the tower are ancient symbols with drawings of dragons and spiders that seem to give a blue glow at times.   The Tower is itself is about 1000 feet high. The tower's walls come to a point at the top forming a pyramid. Each side of the pyramid contains a gem that has about a 200 feet diameter. Each gem seems to change colors throughout the day and then at night, they seem to cast a soft blue glow.   Due to the tears to the psychical layer, the tower is levitating over a tear.


The history of this tower is unknown, and its existence was not known by the Council of Mages on Serenity Enclave until recently. The tower is located in the middle of the Dragons Boneyard surrounded by tears of the physical layer exposing the magical layer beneath it.   It was rumored that a Tauren Clan set up a camp near the tower to study it on the dragon graveyard and that one single man emerged from the tower stricken with madness with stories of the death of the three Goddesses.   After the man was interviewed by the Council of Mages he went back Kliria and is said to roam the countryside endlessly looking for something as he warns people of the future.
"I was there in a room when a man and women from another world appeared within a ring of fire. I tried to run away but I felt complied to move toward the fire. As the ring of fire subsided the man was tall with wings a large sword. On the blade of the sword, a mouth formed and spoke in an unknown language.   The woman's skin was dark as coal and she had white long hair. She did not carry any weapons but was surrounded by spiders and spoke in an unknown language." - Ramblings of a mad man
Alternative Names
The Dragons Tooth
Tower, Mage
Parent Location


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