Meladuchis Species in Realm of Ulyssia | World Anvil
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Meladuchis plant
by Gyrannon
    Meladuchis is a parasitic plant that grows alongside other pollen & nectar based flowers & roses and waits for prey to come to it.   If an insect comes to eat at either the pollen base or nectar heads, the bug will experience a sedative like sensation, while also being unable to move because both the Nectar & Pollen produce a sticky substance that holds small insects like a spider's web. Then the Seed Pod arms will raise, open up like a blooming flower and devour the prey.   Now say an animal comes along and sniffs or attempts to lick the plant, the Seed Pod arms will strike with the speed of a snake and embed the tips of the pods into the skin, in that split second of the pod being inside the skin of the animal, several seeds will burrow in the flesh. (Humanoids are no exception) It will take a while, but eventually the seeds will have used the animal's blood & body heat as a way of growing, plus with the moisture in the blood stream, they'll have access to the nutrients they need to survive their infant & adolescence stages.   Once it nears it's adult stage, it will burrow itself out of the animal and launch itself off the animal like a frog, it will then have roughly 5 to 7 hours to find a permanent residence, afterwards it's roots will burrow into the ground and they'll be stuck there for the rest of their lifespan.   The plant can be used as a sedative drug to lower blood pressure & place the induced in to a state of euphoric relaxation, but it also makes the induced more submissive, compliant, and is highly addictive. Withdrawal symptoms: Homicidal Urges, Deranged Laughter, Fever, and sometimes Vomiting.   In Verraz, this drug is used on the Fire-Storm Psychotics as a way of controlling their violent tendencies.

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Aug 2, 2018 04:57

General Comment

  First of all it is already a great overview.
I call it an overview because I'd like to see more info and structured info in general.
Also you can split much of this into the template fields the species template offers you.
I'd keep the vignette for a short general info paragraph or stuff the template fields dont cover.

  What I'd like to see

You could tell more about its use and habitat, for example:
Do I find it mostly in forests? Deserts? Cities?
can it live in different environments?
also I'd like to see the mentioned uses, is its poison used as an anesthetic in medicine? Alchemy?
is this plant magic in general?
How does it "jump" off its host
and how does the plant affect the host in general once while attached to the host and once it has "jumped" off of it.

Aug 2, 2018 05:25 by Gyrannon Valdagesh

Like the thought provoking questions - I'll see what I can do to answer in the future.