Myth of Arisa's Crown Myth in Realm of Saebetia | World Anvil
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Myth of Arisa's Crown

"Deep within the caverns of The Arai Desert sits a bejeweled crown resting on the head of a stone woman. The statue is said to be of Princess Arisa, the fourth daughter to the King of Aiova. Those who have seen this stone visage claim that it rotates so she is always staring at you. If two people go to different parts of the room, both will claim that she is staring at them. Those who attempt to remove the crown from the statue's head disappear immediately and another jewel appears on the crown."

Historical Basis

This myth took root around the same time Princess Arisa went missing, never to be seen again, in 4926 AC. It was only a year later the rumors about the statue and the crown began to circulate.   While a few of the accounts of the statue have been considered credible by the Knowledge-Keepers of Thala no Knowledge-Keeper has ever verified any of the claims.   The family of Arisa claim no such statue was ever commissioned. Furthermore, the crown upon the statue's head, as described by those who claim to have seen it, does not match any crown the royal family of Aiova has ever owned.   In 5294, Knowledge-Keeper Than went to verify the claims about the statue. However, even with a local guide who had claimed to have seen the statue before, Than still could not find it. He concluded in his findings that the statue must have been moved. He also notes that is it possible his guide did not want him to find the statue but that was not something he could state definitively.


This myth is only known to the people of the Kingdom of Aiova, more specifically those living in the Arai Desert. Over time it has lost prevalence as the statue and crown do not seem to still exist within the cave systems. Still, every once in a while, someone will go exploring the caves, looking for the lost crown. Most return to say they never found it. Some do not return at all.
Date of First Recording
Date of Setting


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