The Bastion of Hope

"During the Age of War the Divines walked the Material Plane causing swaths of destruction in their wake. Some were sorrowful for the destruction, others were prideful that their will could influence the land. Countless civilizations and lives lost during this time. The Bastion of Hope is one of the few religious cities than can trace it's history, legitimately, back to the Age of War. Though it teetered of the brink of the same oblivion as many other civilizations did before it, but it never fell. It remained stalwart and resisted the same cold embrace of nothingness that tried to claim it so many times."   ~ Scholar


The Bastion of Hope is the oldest known religious city to the Goddess of Civilization. The followers of the Goddess erected a citadel in her name and as a beacon of bringing order to the chaotic lands surrounding the southern coast of the Clumarian Ocean. Shortly after the citadel was erected people flocked to it seeking shelter and a place to settle. A large city grew around the citadel and the name of the city was lost as explores just called the city 'The only beacon of hope in the south'. The clergy of the city adopted the name Beacon of Hope seeing this as a blessing from the Goddess herself and acknowledging the dedication of her followers.   During the Age of War, like many other influential cities, it was target of envious divine creatures. Followers of other Gods, creatures of those Gods creation, or even the Divines themselves laid siege upon the city. The closest the city ever came to complete destruction was when the Demon Lord Bamphomet attacked the city personally. The tipping point was when Bamphomet entered the citadel and was confronted by the Champion of Civilization. Stories spoke of the days the battle raged on and the destruction it caused. In the end the Champion defeated the Demon Lord at the cost of her own life. Her body is entombed in the catacombs and is rumored to be protected by the Goddess herself.   Now in the Age of Renewal the Beacon of Hope is again a shining example of hope and order in the lawless south territories of the Hinterlands.


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