Condensed Arcane Essence
"Condensed arcane essence is a self-sustaining source of energy that defies all we know about the arcane. Theory states that the ore is connected to an undiscovered plane of existence that it draws from to sustain it's potency. Even Archmage Beatrice, the discoverer of the material, is still conducting test on it to suss out it's physical and metaphysical properties."
~ Archmage Willfred, Iron Court Archmage of Divination
Material Characteristics
A swirling crystal of light blue or purple color that gives off a faint illumination for about a three foot radius in it's natural state.
Physical & Chemical Properties
Condensed arcane essence is warm to the touch and give off the sensation of touching an object with a small amount of electric current running through it.
History & Usage
Everyday use
The most common use of condensed arcane essence is to fuel non-living constructions such as golems, homunculus, and other machinery. Other uses are as arcane focuses for spell casting implements to empower the spells with the natural attunement of the crystal.
Industrial Use
Condensed arcane essence was most recently utilized in the construction, and fuel source, of the Motorized Locomotive in the continent of Safél. Other industries have been trying to secure the rights to use this new fuel source to increase their own productivity and profit.
Condensed arcane essence can be used in it's discovered state as a fuel source. Though there are processes to refine and attune the crystal to make it more effective in the release of it's energy. The refinement process is only known by Archmage Beatrice and she has refused to teach others about it till she fully understands the capabilities of the material.
Environmental Impact
Areas with large concentrations of condensed arcane essence experience strange phenomenon ranging from plants developing odd color patterns to abnormal weather patterns that are out of season.
Fresh Ozone
A light blue to a dark violet
2.75 g/cm3
Common State