Cerberus Tiger
"When they're young the cerberus tigers are easy to take care of and maintain. Once they grow up, that's where the challenge begins. Not only are they big as hell and start developing their hunting instincts so never turn your back on them. But survive all that and you'll have a cash cow."
~ Cerberus Tiger Breeder
Basic Information
A cerberus tiger is similar to the traditional tiger's of the Hinterlands when it comes to fur patterns, and number of limbs. The distinctive difference is instead of one head a cerberus tiger has three heads, all with their own personality, senses, and brain.
Genetics and Reproduction
A female cerberus tiger goes into heat once every three months. If impregnated the female gestates the litter for three to four months before giving birth. The average litter size is four cubs.
Growth Rate & Stages
A cerberus tiger is considered a kitten up to about six months old. Between six to nine months old the cerberus tiger becomes the size it will remain for the rest of it's life. During it's growth the heads start to display their own personalities. Most commonly the creatures demeanor are similar in nature if there is no external force that causes a difference in nuture.
Additional Information
Uses, Products & Exploitation
Cerberus tigers are used for their defensive capabilities due to it's ability to remain aware of it's surroundings while it sleeps. If not used for it's senses the fur of the creature has unique properties that are sought after by nobles and explorers alike. The meat of the creature can be utilized as a food source, but is poisonous if not properly prepared.
The children of cerberus tigers are expensive, especially females, and are considered an exotic animal for the purposes of licensing the purchasing and selling of creatures.
Perception and Sensory Capabilities
The three heads of the cerberus tigers give the creature a more sensitive sense of hearing, sight, and smell. Even though the different heads have their own brain they share sensations and sensory information.
Scientific Name
Cerberus Tigris