Archdruid Wynaether


"As a child nature was something that inspired me to become the inquisitive teacher I am now. I always saw the good side of nature. So many pure things in this world that my childish mind fixated on that when I first saw the horror of changed me. I learned nature not only creates beauty it destroys it. Not out of malice nor disgust, but out of mere survival. The most beautiful bird isn't the most majestic. The most majestic bird is the one that blends in with the environment, hunts quietly, and strikes when its prey without it ever getting a chance to defend itself. That is what I seek to teach you all today. Survival. Not the beauty of picking fruits, berries, and other menial sustenance. Today we'll soak in the blood of prey and thank the Shifter for His gifts."   ~ Archdruid Wynaether, Leader of the Rabid Maw Tribe

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Archdruid Wynaether was born into the small nomadic tribe of the Wind Listeners. Her parents, Alier and Shar, taught her selected tenets of the Shifters dogma during her upbringing. The skewed view on nature made her immature, to other druids, in her outlook on the ways of nature thinking everything lived in harmony and predators we're to be loved not feared. That view changed once the Gnolls struck.   The slaughter of the Wind Listeners left all dead except Wynaether and a handful of children. Without the proper training to survive in the harsh landscape of the Verdant Jungle most of the other children died from starvation. For what felt like months caused Wynaether to grow desperate, almost feral in nature, attacking anything including the other children when they encroached on her food. Finally the children were discovered by scouts of the Rabid Maw. After a struggle to capture Wynaether she went, unwillingly at the time, to their camp.   From there she was trained on how to be a druid under the teachings of Gyn. Whislt under the tutelage of Gyn Wynaether learned the darker side of nature that her parents tried to protect her from. Survival is bloody. Survival isn't pretty. Survival is not for everyone. The strong survive and the weak die.   After years the ascended through the ranks till she eventually defeated the previous Archdruid in combat claiming dominance over the Rabid Maw. With the Rabid Maw under her control she made a swath through the Verdant Jungle. Clans that refused to join the Rabid Maw were killed or forced out of their sacred land. Once the explorers from the modern world started to encroach upon the land her attention was diverted to defending the borders of the jungle.   Wynaether and the Rabid Maw are now the stalwart defenders of the northern border of the Verdant Jungle and the first called upon to assault other clans and civilizations in the Shifters name.

Mental Trauma

Watching her clan being slaughtered by the Cackling Jackel Gnoll Clan.

Personality Characteristics


To ensure balance across the Hinterlands and to extinguish the flames of modern civilization to return the world to the roots of their existence.


Religious Views

Archrduid Wynaether is a staunch follower of the Shifter's, Toka'grel, dogma that nature requires balance and that modern civilization is a corrupting to the soul. Wynaether's religious views has caused her to take the fight to the civilized world. She lead many raids upon the northern villages and farms at the border of the Verdant Jungle. At first the villages would just rebuild, but after many subsequent raids the local governments stopped rebuilding the villages and started sending hunting parties into the Verdant jungle to scout out the area and try to locate Wynaether's location.
Neutral Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Archdruid of the Rabid Maw Tribe
Dark Brown
Long, silken White
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale white
160 lbs.


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