The Hidden Sea Geographic Location in Ravnica | World Anvil
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The Hidden Sea

Deep below the streets of Ravnica, below the hustle and bustle of city life, is a different world. A world of sewers, and underground tunnels. Its a world of ruins and memories of the past. And below that, down so deep that until recently it had been forgotten, is a sight that few have ever seen. A large ocean, spanning almost the entire length of the Tenth District with inlets traveling deeper into all of Ravnica, deeper than even the creatures who dwell within it know. Creatures whom, as the cities of Ravnica grew and expanded, hide themselves away, at least until recently. Those beings are known as Merfolk.   As the cities grew far above them, the Merfolk protected themselves by fleeing deep into the ocean, fearful of the damage a massive city could do to them and the sea. Growing in their own powers, and learning to harness the power of the sea itself, the Merfolk became strong and knowledgeable about the elements in a way that those who have surrounded themselves with science couldn't. As the people in the city above began to stretch their sight down and explore the sea below them, the Merfolk decided to reveal themselves to the Simic Combine and have begun to share part of their knowledge with them.   Those who have discovered the ocean, not the tiny pockets of water that the Simic Combine use for their research, but the vast expanse of it, tell almost unbelievable tales. Monstrous sea creatures, the size of an entire precinct. Crystals that appear before their eyes, but vanish in a splash of water. But worst of all, is to be surrounded by water but have nothing to drink, for the water in the ocean is poison to the body. Nothing to eat, nothing to drink, if the monsters don't eat you, you'll die on your own.

Natural Resources

The Merfolk who lives in the depth of the ocean have created a symbiotic relationship with the Simic Combine. Accepted as members of the Guild, they provide natural resources that can only be gathered from deep in the ocean. Certain species of seaweed, coral beyond the reach of light and minerals extracted from the ocean floor are all items provided by the Merfolk.
Alternative Name(s)
The Great Ocean

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