Dostinika Geographic Location in Rakuen | World Anvil
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(Formerly Destiny)   Dostinika is another unfortunate result of the evil Illithid Dominion. Originally, the planet was a famed space of all goodly races: elves, kalashtar, changelings, shifters, aasimar, and half-dragon. They all lived within the eye of Quaji until the Illithid took hold. History says, from the sparse records recovered, that the militants fought hard, and resisted well. But none could overtake the Illithid horrors. Eventually, the ancient cultures upon Destiny failed, and the Illithid renamed the planet Dostinika. This moon was used as a convenient training ground and energy platform.   The primary use of the moon was for generation and training of Brainstealer Dragons. Very delicately, the illithids sought to raise an army of dragons in their likeness. How effective this was, in the solar standpoint, is undecided. But It was clear what occurred, at very least, on Dostinika.   All humanoid life was used to feed the larger machine of the Illithids’ needs. Despites cells who consistently resisted in underground caverns, the Illithid used all living forms for breeding pools, either as food for the Elder Brains grown on the planet, or for food to satiate the terrible beings that were Brainstealers.   Eventually, tiring of the nuisance that was caused by beings fleeing further underground to escape their Illithid subjugators, the Illithid decided that their purposes had been met. With a massive Disintegration beam from one of their spelljammers, they shot a hole to the core of Dostinika. This sent terrible fissures through the planet, no doubt killing hundreds of thousands, and with the slow but inescapable reality of the heat-death of the planet, none who hid in the crevices of the planet could escape. After a half-century, the moon began to freeze without its planetary core, and all life was extinguished soon thereafter.
Planetoid / Moon


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