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Empire's begin to clash as they stretch their boundaries.The race for arms is ramping up with new technologies and magic being researched or even rediscovered.   In the pursuit of knowledge and advantages over other countries or people, things are discovered and released that should have been forgotten. This world is ruled by ambition and apathy with heroes being little more than mercenaries or opportunistic rogues.   People turn to religion for support and aid, but these organizations are made of people. Fallible and corruptible people who have strayed from their deities or even made pacts with other entities masquerading as such.   As beings of immense power awaken, millennia old storms increase in strength and wars break out all over, the world shudders as it spins closer and closer to the brink of oblivion.   Beshmyra wants to ascend to godhood by the next solar eclipse, and is having difficulty getting it using an ascension ritual because of the Church of Rosa getting in the way.   Theme:   Virtue triumphs evil, doing the right thing leads to victory, greed and pride lead to destruction.   Beshmyra wants to be worshiped and revered, never to be looked down on as lesser ever again.