Voswia Geographic Location in Raemora | World Anvil
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The Nation of Eternal Night

Voswia used to be one large nation with Laplecia, known as Lavolcia. It stood strong for many years until a civil war broke out. No one is sure what the cause of this civil war was, as citizens weren’t very keen on speaking of it and the stories were lost long ago. The only thing anyone really seems sure of is the outcome of this war, Lavolcia splitting two form two separate nations, one being Voswia. Voswia is known as the nation of eternal night. The sun dares not touch the land here, the moon always holding high. This nation’s prominent races are dark elves, werebeasts, and werecats. However, you can find quite the number of demons here as well, along with humans and other races. The land here is plagued with monsters, that have grouped in the darkness. This gives reason for many to avoid this nation. Civilians avoid leaving their homes outside of safe towns, unless absolutely necessary. The safe towns are protected by enchantments to keep the monsters of the lands out. Voswia relies mostly on trading within its borders for essentials. Fugitives, cults, and other not so friendly beings lie hidden around the land, making Voswia one of the poorest and most dangerous nations. It’s said that Voswia relies heavily on a very powerful moonstone, but how they came into possession of such an object is a mystery. Rumors have it that this moonstone is kept sealed away inside a crypt out in the dangerous lands of Voswia, letting the feral beings and monsters unknowingly protect it from anyone who may be seeking it. The moonstone is said to be responsible for the protective fields surrounding the safe towns.

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