Manhattan Geographic Location in R I S E | World Anvil
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The center of the world.
Or, it was once. After the UN pulled out and the economy collapsed, the heart and soul of New York City followed suit- caving in on itself like an atrophied artery. Local government did the best it could to hold everything together, but they couldn't last long. "Lucky" for them, big name corporations swooped in to help keep the city beating.   These days, Manhattan has recovered.
Mostly, anyway. Scar tissue remains in the far corners and less high-end neighborhoods, but for the most part the corps moved their headquarters in, revitalized all the Broadway attractions and Central Park greenery, and turned the borough into a strange shadow of what it used to be. Only now, all the glitz and glam feels artificial and surreal. It's not the organic, passionate heart New York used to boast. It's artificial, corp-grown and pumped full of Horizon-brand cherry syrup (available now at your nearest Stuff R Shack).   The worst part of all of it?
The new-money fuckboys running the borough's shiny corpse love pushing the old Manhattan attitude, still. See, the place used to suck cause it was the best, and it knew it, and everyone who lived there knew it. Now? Now everyone still acts like it's the best goddamn place on earth, without the history and hard work to back it up. Like I said- new money fuckboys.
Alternative Name(s)
The City
Owning Organization

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